2015-03-26 12:28:08 +01:00

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+++ date = "2007-01-29" title = "Hobo - And you thought Rails made life easy!" tags = ["General", "Blog", "RubyOnRails"] slug = "hobo-and-you-thought-rails-made-life-easy" +++

If you've seen anything of Ruby on Rails, you know it makes your life really easy with all its generators and plugins. Well, check out Hobo!

Hobo is a Rails plugin that adds tons of extra features that make your live even easier. Here's a quote from their site:

Hobo is an Open-Source project that makes development with Rails even faster than it already is. It features:
  • A template engine that extends Rails' standard ERB templates with user-defined tags
  • A powerful library of pre-defined tags for knocking up ajaxified data-driven sites in a snap (lots still to do