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type = "page"
title = "Book recommendations"
> "The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing." — Voltaire
I've hand-picked this list of books because I enjoyed reading them and learning from them. I want
to share these books with so you get to enjoy them as well.
_Full disclosure: the links below are Amazon Affiliate links. This costs you nothing, but
I will get a small commission on each sale Amazon makes._
## Git
* [Pragmatic Version Control Using Git](
* [Version Control with Git](
## Electronics
* [The Art of Electronics - 3rd Edition]( <span class="recommended">tip</span>
* [Practical Electronics for Inventors - 4th Edition]( <span class="recommended">tip</span>
## Software Engineering
* [The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master](
* [The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development](
* [Clean Code: A Handbook for Agile Software Craftsmanship]( <span class="recommended">tip</span>
* [Understanding the Four Rules of Simple Design](
* [The Mytical Man-Month](
## Ruby
* [Programming Ruby]( <span class="recommended">tip</span>
* [The Well Grounded Rubyist](
* [Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby]( <span class="recommended">tip</span>
## Ruby on Rails
* [Agile Web Development with Rails 4](
* [Agile Web Development with Rails 5]( <span class="recommended">tip</span>
* [Rails 4 Test Prescriptions](
* [Metaprogramming Ruby 2](
* [The Cucumber Book: Behaviour-Driven Development for Testers and Developers](
* [The RSpec Book: Behaviour-Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends](
## GPG - The GNU Privacy Guard
* [PGP & GPG: Email for the Practical Paranoid]( <span class="recommended">tip</span>
## Golang
* [Programming in Go](
## Vim and Tmux
* [Practical Vim](
* [Vi iMproved]( <span class="recommended">tip</span>
* [tmux 2: Productive Mouse-Free Development]( <span class="recommended">tip</span>
## Agile / Scrum
* [Scrum and XP from the Trenches](
* [Agile Coaching](
## MOS 6502 Microprocessor
* [6502 Applications Book](
* [Programming the 6502](
## macOS / Cocoa / Swift / Objective-C
* [Cocoa Programming for OS X: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (5th edition)]( <span class="recommended">tip</span>
## Going paperless?
<a href=""><img class="img-right" src="/img/kindle_paperwhite.jpg" /></a>
I _love_ my Kindle. It's light-weight, has a battery that lasts about 4 weeks (I read about 1 hour a day), and it features a quality e-ink screen. The 3G option is fantastic, as you can leave your Kindle always connected and use services like [Readability]( to send web pages neatly formatted to your Kindle for later reading.
Almost all of the books listed above are available for Kindle as well. So if you're not already paperless, why not start now?
* [Amazon Kindle Paperwhite](
* [Aamzon Kindle Voyage](
* [Kindle Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial](*Version*=1&*entries*=0&ref_=assoc_tag_ph_1454291293420&_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=pf4&tag=ariejannet02-20&linkId=27a2fcdbdce4d545fd1dd60031c45474)