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date = "2015-10-12"
title = "Building Golang CLI Tools Update"
tags = ["golang"]
description = "After my previous post on using a `Makefile` to set version and build info I got some valuable feedback from other Gophers. Here's an update."
slug = "building-golang-cli-tools-update"
In my [previous post][previous] I discussed how to use a `Makefile` to set version and
build information at compile time. Although this approach may work fine for you, it has
three drawbacks I want to discuss.
### 1. Simplicity
Andrew responded on the [golang-nuts mailing list][golang-nuts] with the following comment:
> To me it seems like you took something simple and cross platform "go generate" + "go install/build" and turned it into something more complicated and less portable.
Although I'm not sure `go generate` is relevant in this case, I agree that on some level
a `Makefile` is complicating things unnecessarily. Let's remove it!
### 2. Non-reproducable builds
Guilio responded with:
> I only have an issue with buildTime: it makes the build not reproducible.
This is a valid point. The idea that if you compile a given version of your application,
the resulting binary's hash (be it MD5 or whatever) should be equal to that of any other
binary build from that specific version.
By using `BuildTime` the binary is never the same.
Build time is also irrelevant. It does not matter _when_ a binary was compiled, but it
_does matter_ which precise version was build.
Let's replace `BuildTime` with the current git commit hash instead.
### 3. Why is there a `VERSION` file?
If you're going to store version information under version control, you might as well
put it right in the code, where it belongs.
Let's remove `VERSION` and instead create a nice `version.go` to handle everything.
## Let's refactor
Okay, first things to go are `Makefile` and `VERSION`.
Next, I created a `core/version.go` which contains the necessary version information.
I've also taken the liberty of creating a proper struct for the version information,
including major, minor and patch numbers, as well as a label and release name.
``` go
package core
import "fmt"
type version struct {
Major, Minor, Patch int
Label string
Name string
var Version = version{1, 2, 3, "dev", "Chuck Norris"}
var Build string
func (v version) String() string {
if v.Label != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("Roll version %d.%d.%d-%s \"%s\"\nGit commit hash: %s", v.Major, v.Minor, v.Patch, v.Label, v.Name, Build)
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("Roll version %d.%d.%d \"%s\"\nGit commit hash: %s", v.Major, v.Minor, v.Patch, v.Name, Build)
As you can see, it's quite easy to set and update the version numbers, label and release name.
`Build` is still set at compile time and contains the current git commit hash.
Because the `go build` command is quite long, I've put it in a nice `` file that
makes building easier.
``` shell
go build -ldflags "-X`git rev-parse HEAD`" -o roll main.go
This will result in a build that reports version information like this:
``` shell
$ ./roll version
Roll version 1.2.3-dev "Chuck Norris"
Git commit hash: b72b076af8b18ef4f6b10296f12840f23258acec
### Check that SHA
If you want, you can [grab the code][code] and run `./` yourself. The resulting binary
has a SHA-1 of `3ad7509279690d99e4144332dc200ede732663fd`. Yay for reproducable builds!
### Naming variables in ldlags
A short note on Peter Kleiweg's comment. He pointed out that I could use
``` shell
"-X main.Build=`git rev-parse HEAD`"
This would be true if the `Build` variable is in the `main` package. But because it's
not (it's in `core`) I have to specify the full package name.
## Thank you!
Thanks to all the awesome gophers responding to my previous post! It's great to get
feedback and get to learn more about Golang. Keep the comments coming, please!