2019-06-05 14:32:16 +02:00

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date = "2018-09-12"
title = "Design: Phono X, a RIAA Phono Preamplifier"
tags = ["design", "audio", "preamp", "phono"]
categories = ["Audio Design"]
summary = "Building a quality phono preamp is still one of the joys of the audio electronics enthusiast. This is my first take on a RIAA phono premap."
aliases = [
When I started out designing this preamp I only had a few requirements:
* Perform RIAA equalisation and pre amplification for a Moving Magnet (MM) cartridge
* Connect my [Technics SL-3310](
to my [Denon AVR-2113](
* Sound decent (e.g. no 50 Hz hum, etc.)
* Directly powered from 230VAC
Searching the internet yielded quite a few pre-designed phono preamp stages. The main
issue I had with most of them is the sheer amount of customization put into each design.
Take the [Muffsy]( for example. The Muffsy tries to
accomodate many different cartridges by making input impedance and gain configurable. This
is great, but I just have _one_ turn table. I might get another one in the future, but I'm
pretty sure it's going to be mainstream moving magnet again.
I also found [Elliot Sound Products' Project 06](
), a Hi-Fi Phono Preamp with RIAA equalisation and good reviews.
With all the different designs in the back of my mind, I started out designing Phono X.
## The power supply
The power supply is normally the last thing I design. When everything else is finished, I have
a clear picture of power supply needs. Because the main components are a pair of [OPA2134] opamps,
I want to have a clean ±15VDC power supply. The OPA2134 can be supplied with up to ±18VDC, but
±15VDC seems more than adequate for the job. ±15VDC is also what Elliot recommends in his design.
So, to get a clean supply voltage, I opted for an almost classic linear power supply, using a
20VA 2x 15VAC toroidal transfomer.
`AC1` and `AC2` are connected to the transformer. The `D1-D4` diode bridge rectifies the AC
into DC which gets filtered by the capacitors `C1-C4`. Next is a +/- pair of an LM317 and LM337
to regulate the voltage to ±15VDC, including protection diodes.
## Pre-amp circuit
Below is left channel preamp circuit, the right channel is identical. Most notable detail is
the OPA2134, which is a dual channel opamp. One unit is used for L+R RIAA equalisation and
another unit is used for amplification.
This is almost an exact copy of Elliot Sound Products' Project 06 design with a few small
* I omitted the `CLL` and `CRR` cartridge loading capactiors.
* For `C19` and `R22` I used 100nF and 750Ω instead of the specified 82nF and 820Ω, as per ESP's instructions.
* The 10uF and 100nF by pass capacitors for the opamps are omitted in favour of `C15-C17` in
the power supply.
## PCB Design
This is the final PCB design. In retrospect I should have better divided the available
board space between different functions. Power supply and preamp are a bit mixed up. Also,
the signal traces for the right channel are tad longer than left. I'm not sure this results
in an audible difference, but it still doesn't feel right.
The width of the board was chosen to fit in the pcb brackets of the enclosure.
## Retrospective
So, what did I learn doing this build?
1. There's (presumably) a considerable inrush current into the big `C1-C4` capacitors. When
the amp is already powered up, switching on the Phono X will cause a not-so-nice popping sound. I should
probably add some soft
1. When powering off, the capacitors keep the amp working for quite a while. It might be nicer to
really shut down the output when turning off.
1. Transformers affect signals. Keep them away from signal traces or maybe use some sort
of shielding.
1. Add the recommended [Project 99 Subsonic Filter]( to prevent sub 20Hz noise coming through.
1. Get the right equipment to measure performance of my build myself ;-)
1. Use a more symetrical design for the PCB, and maybe split the power supply and signal boards into two separate boards.
## Datasheets
* [OPA2134] High Performance Audio Operational Amplifier