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+++ type = "page" title = "Contact" +++

I love hearing from you, especially if any of my posts was helpful to you. I know a lot of you are looking to repair your television or audio equipment. Go for it!

I do have to disappoint those who want to send me their gear for repair or request specific instruction on how to so themselves. I don't have the time to assist you to a degree that would make either of us happy. I can refer you to /r/AskElectronics and /r/audiorepair on Reddit, where many helpful (and more knowledgeable) people are ready to help out.

Want to show your appreciation?

Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

Let's get to it


If you need to, use my GPG Key or Keybase to encrypt your message to me. Your message will result in a regular email to me and will be treated confidentially.