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+++ type = "page" title = "About" +++

I've been programming electronic devices since 1992 when I started as a kid toying around with GW-BASIC on my trusty 80286.

I graduated a Bachelor of Science (Software Engineering) in 2007 and joined Kabisa straight after that.

Over my 15 year tenure with Kabisa I've done many things, from writing super smooth web applications with Ruby on Rails to rock-solid Java Spring Boot back-ends and shiny Flutter mobile and desktop apps.

My professional role includes helping business transition to Agile, training people to attain new skills, and lead teams to deliver quality software.

I like to play bass guitar and piano. Occasionally I dabble in writing synthwave music (it's out on vinyl!).

Currently I spend most of my time on restoring/repairing a 1994 Volkswagen Golf Mk3 Cabrio.

My favourite text editor is vim.

About this site

I started blogging in 1996. My site has gone through many iterations and some content was lost in the process. The most recent post on this site is from 2006.

In 2017 I switched from to as my primary domain name for this blog.

This site is static HTML, generated with Hugo via self-hosted versions of Gitea and Drone.