2017-03-21 00:06:25 +01:00

92 lines
3.2 KiB

{{ partial "header.html" . }}
<article class="post" id="{{ .Slug }}">
<h1>{{ .Title }}</h1>
{{ if eq .Section "posts" }}
{{ .Date.Format "2 January 2006" }}
{{ end }}
{{ .Content }}
{{ if eq .Section "posts" }}
<aside class="about">
<h4>Ready to learn more?</h4>
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<h4>Get in touch</h4>
I'd love to hear your questions and comments on this article!
<a href="">Mention @ariejan on twitter</a> or <a href="">shoot me an email</a> (<a href="/gpg">gpg</a> available).
<img class="avatar" alt="Ariejan's Avatar" src="/img/ariejan-150.jpg" />
<h4>About Ariejan</h4>
Hey! I'm a software engineer building rock solid back-end systems
using Ruby, Ruby on Rails and Elixir. In my free time I love to
repair audio equipment, experiment with electronics, and play the piano.
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