2013-06-07 14:35:24 +02:00

82 lines
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// Label Variables
// We use these to style the labels
$label-padding: emCalc(3px) emCalc(10px) emCalc(4px) !default;
$label-radius: $global-radius !default;
// We use these to style the label text
$label-font-sizing: emCalc(14px) !default;
$label-font-weight: bold !default;
// Label Mixins
// We use this mixin to create a default label base.
@mixin label-base {
font-weight: $label-font-weight;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
line-height: 1;
white-space: nowrap;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
// We use this mixin to add label size styles.
@mixin label-size($padding:$label-padding, $text-size:$label-font-sizing) {
@if $padding { padding: $padding; }
@if $text-size { font-size: $text-size; }
// We use this mixin to add label styles.
@mixin label-style($bg:$primary-color, $radius:false) {
// We control which background color comes through
@if $bg {
// This find the lightness percentage of the background color.
$bg-lightness: lightness($bg);
background-color: $bg;
// We control the text color for you based on the background color.
@if $bg-lightness < 70% { color: #fff; }
@else { color: #333; }
// We use this to control the radius on labels.
@if $radius == true { @include radius($label-radius); }
@else if $radius { @include radius($radius); }
// We use this to add close buttons to alerts
@mixin label($padding:$label-padding, $text-size:$label-font-sizing, $bg:$primary-color, $radius:false) {
@include label-base;
@include label-size($padding, $text-size);
@include label-style($bg, $radius);
@if $include-html-label-classes {
/* Labels */
.label {
@include label-base;
@include label-size;
@include label-style;
&.radius { @include label-style(false, true); }
&.round { @include label-style(false, $radius:1000px); }
&.alert { @include label-style($alert-color); }
&.success { @include label-style($success-color); }
&.secondary { @include label-style($secondary-color); }