{{ if .Site.Params.book_recommendations }}
{{ if in .Params.tags "git" }}

Learn more about git!

{{ else if in .Params.tags "vim" }}

Learn more about Vim

{{ else if in .Params.tags "tmux" }}

Learn more about tmux!

{{ else if or (in .Params.tags "electronics") (in .Params.tags "repair") }}

Learn more about Electronics!

{{ else if and (in .Params.tags "Linux") (in .Params.tags "debian") }}

Learn more about Debian Linux!

{{ else if and (in .Params.tags "linux") (in .Params.tags "ubuntu") }}

Learn more about Ubuntu Linux!

{{ else if in .Params.tags "linux" }}

Learn more about Linux!

{{ else if or (in .Params.tags "rails") (in .Params.tags "ruby") }}

Learn more about Ruby on Rails!

{{ else if in .Params.tags "bitcoin" }}

Learn more about Bitcoin!

{{ end }}

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{{ end }}