require 'stringex' desc "compile and launch" task :launch do sh "nanoc compile && nanoc deploy -t public" end desc "Create a new post" task :new_post, :title do |t, args| mkdir_p './content/posts' args.with_defaults(:title => 'New Post') title = args.title filename = "./content/posts/#{'%Y-%m-%d')}-#{title.to_url}.md" if File.exist?(filename) abort('rake aborted!') if ask("#{filename} already exists. Want to overwrite?", ['y','n']) == 'n' end puts "Creating new post: #{filename}" open(filename, 'w') do |post| post.puts '---' post.puts "title: \"#{title}\"" post.puts "created_at: #{}" post.puts 'kind: article' post.puts 'published: false' post.puts 'tags:' post.puts ' - tag1' post.puts 'summary: |' post.puts " Summary for #{title}" post.puts "---\n\n" end end