+++ date = "2011-02-01" title = "Hot: Firefly 1.3.0 URL Shortener released" tags = ["firefly"] slug = "hot-firefly-130-url-shortener-released" +++ I've been doing some work on Firefly lately and tonight I've released version 1.3.0. If you're using Firefly it's recommended you upgrade to the latest and greatest version. ~ For those who missed it: Firefly is a simple URL shortener gem that can be used to host your own personal (or corporate) URL shortner on your own domain. Since Firefly is rack-based, it's easy to deploy to Heroku or other ruby hosting providers. ### What's new Since version 1.1.0 (released october 2010) these features have been added. I'll just summarize those and ignore the 1.2.x release I made. * Make Barby optional to save some gems for those of us who don't need QR code generation. [mboeh] * Added a CodeFactory to generate unique short codes (and prevent collisions with custom short codes) [ariejan] * Support for specifying one's own preferred short codes via the API. Also, invalid URL creations return a 422 code, not 200. [mboeh] * Added GUI support for custom short codes. [ariejan] * Improved error handling / reporting [ariejan] * Minor tweaks to the web GUI [ariejan] * Use dm-mysql-adapater as default, dm-sqlite-adapter is optional [ariejan] ### How to upgrade **IMPORTANT**: Always make a backup of your data before you upgrade. Simple install the latest gem version and restart your server. gem install firefly -v1.3.0 Then restart your server. DataMapper will take care of migrating your database for you. **NOTE**: Firefly is now using MySQL by default. If you were using sqlite3 before, please install the appropriate DataMapper adapater: `gem install dm-sqlite-adapter` ### Code, Issues, Forking Want to fork? [http://github.com/ariejan/firefly][1] [1]: http://github.com/ariejan/firefly