+++ date = "2010-10-12" title = "Setup a PPTP VPN connection on Mac OS X Snow Leopard" tags = ["osx", "mac", "vpn", "snow leopard"] slug = "setup-a-pptp-vpn-connection-on-mac-os-x-snow-leopard" +++ In my [previous tutorial][1] I explained how to setup a PPTP based VPN server on Ubuntu. Now I'll show you how to configure Mac OS X Snow Leopard to use that VPN connection. [1]: http://ariejan.net/2010/10/11/setup-a-ubuntu-vpn-server/ ~ Just watch the movie.

How to setup a PPTP VPN connection from Mac OS X 10.6 from Ariejan de Vroom on Vimeo.

_Note: You may open port 1723 (TCP) on your router to allow you to connect to your VPN server from the Internets. In that case, use your public IP Address._