+++ date = "2007-04-12" title = "Rails, Resources and Permalinks" tags = ["General", "RubyOnRails", "Features"] slug = "rails-resources-and-permalinks" description = "How to add permalinks to your resources." +++ There has been quite a bit of discussion about creating permalinks with a rails resource. In this article I will show you how to create permalinks for a resource named 'pages' without giving up on any of the resource goodness! Before I start I'll presume you have a page scaffold_resource setup in your rails application. Make sure you have at least the following fields in your page model: ``` ruby t.column :title, :string t.column :permalink, :string t.column :content, :text ``` Okay, what you want is the permalink_fu plugin. This plugin greatly simplifies the act of generating a permalink from a title. Install it first: ``` shell cd railsapp ./script/plugin install http://svn.techno-weenie.net/projects/plugins/permalink_fu/ ``` In your Page model you may now add the following line. This line will generate a permalink in the permalink attribute automatically, so you don't have to show the permalink field in any forms. ``` ruby has_permalink :title ``` That's it for generating the appropriate permalink string in your database. Rails goodness has already provided you with the basic RESTful routes: But what you really want, is something like: Notice that the permalink url is only a GET request and should not be used for editing or updating the page in question. Since using any other identifier than :id in a resource is madness, I create two new routes that will allow me to access permalinked pages. Not only that, but I do maintain the format option. Basically this means that you get three routes: Notice that I removed the 's' from 'pages' here. This is to avoid confusion with the resource 'pages'. But more on that later. Now in config/routes.rb add the following two lines: ``` ruby map.permalink 'page/:permalink', :controller => 'pages', :action => 'permalink' map.connect 'page/:permalink.:format', :controller => 'pages', :action => 'permalink', :format => nil ``` The first line adds a named route to an action named 'permalink' in your PagesController. This gives you the ability to add peralink links easily: ``` ruby permalink_url(@page.permalink) ``` The second link is unnamed, and allows you to specify a format like HTML or XML. The permalink action looks like this: ``` ruby # GET /page/perma-link # GET /page/permal-link.xml def permalink @page = Page.find_by_permalink(params[:permalink]) respond_to do |format| format.html { render :action => 'show' } format.xml { render :xml => @page.to_xml } end end ``` This special permalink action uses the same 'show' view as your resource. If you want to maintain the 'pages' part of the URL, that's possible. You'll have to write a condition that makes sure that the :permalink parameter is a string an not an integer (ID). This article does not cover this. You may now use permalinks for your pages! Congratulations.