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    – Jean-Luc Picard" matomoTrackingUrl = "" mainSections = ["posts", "projects"] [[params.skill]] content = "Writing rock-solid backend stuff in whatever's hip today" weight = 10 [[params.skill]] content = "Automating things that don't really need automating" weight = 20 [[params.skill]] content = "Writing fiction that I'm too afraid to share with the world" weight = 30 [[params.popular]] name = "approved by over 50k Googlers and Stack Overflowers every month!" url = "/tags/git/" weight = 10 [[params.popular]] name = "see how I fix things (even though I have no idea what I'm doing)" url = "/tags/repair/" weight = 5 # Menu links [[menu.main]] name = "" weight = 1 url = "/" [[menu.main]] name = "blog" weight = 10 url = "/posts/" [[menu.main]] name = "projects" weight = 20 url = "/projects/" [[menu.main]] name = "about" weight = 40 url = "/about/" [[menu.main]] name = "gpg" weight = 90 url = "/gpg/" [[menu.main]] name = "contact" weight = 100 url = "/contact/"