/** * jTweetsAnywhere V1.3.1 * http://thomasbillenstein.com/jTweetsAnywhere/ * * Copyright 2011, Thomas Billenstein * Licensed under the MIT license. * http://thomasbillenstein.com/jTweetsAnywhere/license.txt */ /** * The code below is used as supplied by Twitter (https://dev.twitter.com/docs/intents) * * Twitter says: * "Some sites may prefer to embed the unobtrusive Web Intents pop-up Javascript inline * or without a dependency to platform.twitter.com. The snippet below will offer the * equivalent functionality without the external dependency." */ (function() { if (window.__twitterIntentHandler) return; var intentRegex = /twitter\.com(\:\d{2,4})?\/intent\/(\w+)/, windowOptions = 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,location=yes', width = 550, height = 420, winHeight = screen.height, winWidth = screen.width; function handleIntent(e) { e = e || window.event; var target = e.target || e.srcElement, m, left, top; while (target && target.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'a') { target = target.parentNode; } if (target && target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a' && target.href) { m = target.href.match(intentRegex); if (m) { left = Math.round((winWidth / 2) - (width / 2)); top = 0; if (winHeight > height) { top = Math.round((winHeight / 2) - (height / 2)); } window.open(target.href, 'intent', windowOptions + ',width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',left=' + left + ',top=' + top); e.returnValue = false; e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault(); } } } if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('click', handleIntent, false); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent('onclick', handleIntent); } window.__twitterIntentHandler = true; }()); /** * JTA_I18N is based on SimpleI18N V0.1.0 * * SimpleI18N.js is a tiny library for simple i18n support in Javascript. * Currently only translation is supported. */ (function() { if (window.__JTA_I18N) { return; } JTA_I18N = function() { var _resources = {}; function ResourceBundle(locale, resources) { this.getLocale = function() { return locale; }; this.get = function(key, params) { return xlate(key, 1, params); }; this._ = this.get; this.nget = function(singular, plural, count, params) { return count === 1 ? xlate(singular, 1, params) : xlate(plural, count, params); }; this.__ = this.nget; function xlate(key, count, params) { var resource = getValue(key); if (count !== 1 && typeof resource === "object") { resource = evalMulti(key, resource, count); } if (resource && params) { for (p in params) { resource = resource.replace(p, getValue(params[p])); } } return resource; }; function getValue(resource) { return resources ? (resources[resource] || resource) : resource; }; function evalMulti(key, resource, count) { for (pat in resource) { var re = /(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+)/, match = re.exec(pat); if (match) { var from = match[1]; var to = match[2]; if (count >= from && count <= to) { return resource[pat]; } } re = /([<>]=?)\s*(\d+)/; match = re.exec(pat); if (match) { var op = match[1]; var num = match[2]; if (op === '>' && count > num) { return resource[pat]; } else if (op === '>=' && count >= num) { return resource[pat]; } else if (op === '<' && count < num) { return resource[pat]; } else if (op === '<=' && count <= num) { return resource[pat]; } } re = /\s*,\s*/; match = pat.split(re); if (match) { for (var i = 0; i < match.length; i++) { if (count === ~~match[i]) { return resource[pat]; } } } } return key; } }; return { addResourceBundle: function(project, locale, resources) { if (!_resources[project]) { _resources[project] = {}; } _resources[project][locale] = resources; }, getResourceBundle: function(project, locale) { return new ResourceBundle(locale, _resources[project] ? _resources[project][locale] : null); } }; }(); window.__JTA_I18N = true; }()); JTA_I18N.addResourceBundle('jTweetsAnywhere', 'en', { '$$monthNames': [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ] }); (function($) { $.fn.jTweetsAnywhere = function(config) { // setup the default options var options = $.extend( { /** * The user's name who's tweet feed or list feed is displayed. This * param is also used when a Twitter "Follow Button" is displayed. Usually * this param is a string, but can also be an array of strings. If an array * is supplied (and the params 'list' and 'searchParams' are null), a * combined feed of all users is displayed. * * Sample: 'tbillenstein' or ['twitterapi', '...', '...'] */ username: 'tbillenstein', /** * The name of a user's list where the tweet feed is generated from. The special * list name 'favorites' can be used to display a user's favorited tweets. */ list: null, /** * A single search param string or an array of search params, to be used in * a Twitter search call. All Twitter Search Params are supported * See here for the details: * http://apiwiki.twitter.com/Twitter-Search-API-Method%3A-search * * Sample: 'q=twitter' or ['q=twitter', 'geocode=48.856667,2.350833,30km'] */ searchParams: null, /** * The number of tweets shown in the tweet feed. If this param is 0, no feed * is displayed. For user or list feeds the maximum count is 20, for search * results the maximum count is 100. * * Unlike in previous releases, since 1.2.0 jTweetsAnywhere is based on a * tweets caching algorithm that will always deliver the requested count of * tweets accepting that this request can only be fullfilled by calling Twitter * more than once. * * IMPORTANT: Please always keep in mind, that the use of the Twitter API is * rate limited. Non-authenticated users are rated IP-based and you have only * 150 calls per hour available. Every retrieval of tweets counts and so does * for example hovering over a profile image to show the hovercard. * jTweetsAnywhere will always check the remaining count of free API calls before * actually calling Twitter to avoid black listing your visitor's IP. */ count: 0, /** * A flag (true/false) that specifies whether to display a profile image in * tweets. If the param is set to null (the default value), a profile image * is displayed only if the feed represents a user's list or the result of a * Twitter search. * * THIS OPTION IS DEPRECATED. You should use showTweetFeed.showProfileImages * instead. */ tweetProfileImagePresent: null, /** * Each tweet that is loaded from Twitter will pass the tweetFilter. if * the filter returns true, the tweet will be added to the tweets cache * otherwise it is ignored. The defaultTweetFilter alsways retruns true * but you can supply your own tweet filter to customize the tweet feed. */ tweetFilter: defaultTweetFilter, /** * A flag (true/false) that specifies whether to display a Tweet Feed * or an object literal representing the configuration options for the * Tweet Feed. This flag works in conjunction with the count parameter: * - if count equals 0, no feed is displayed, ignoring showTweetFeed * - if count not equals 0 and showTweetFeed equals false, no feed * is displayed * { * autoConformToTwitterStyleguide: false, * // Boolean - as the name implies, sets all options to confirm to Twitter's * // styleguide regulations. Implies: * // showTweetFeed: { * // showUserFullNames: null, // null means: if usernames are shown, show * // // fullnames too * // showTwitterBird: true, * // showActionReply: true, * // showActionRetweet: true, * // showActionFavorite: true * // } * * showTwitterBird: true, // Boolean - show Twitter bird icon beneath the timestamp of a tweet, linking to * // the tweeter's MiniProfile Web Intent * * showTimestamp: true, // A flag (true/false) that specifies whether to display a tweet's timestamp * // or an object literal representing the configuration options for the * // timestamp. * // { * // refreshInterval: 0, // Time in seconds to be waited until the * // // timestamps of the displayed tweets get refreshed * // // 0 means no refreshing. * // } * * showSource: false, // Boolean - Show info about the source of the tweet. * * showGeoLocation: true, // Boolean - Show geolocation info and link to Google maps. * * showInReplyTo: true, // Boolean - Show link to the "replied to" tweet (if available). * * showActionReply: false, // Boolean - Show tweet's 'Reply' action (supplies a link to popup the tweet's * // Reply Web Intent) * * showActionRetweet: false, // Boolean - Show tweet's 'Retweet' action (supplies a link to popup the tweet's * // Retweet Web Intent) * * showActionFavorite: false, // Boolean - Show tweet's 'Favorite' action (supplies a link to popup the tweet's * // Favorite Web Intent) * * showProfileImages: null, // A flag (true/false) that specifies whether to display a profile image in * // tweets. If the param is set to null (the default value), a profile image * // is displayed only if the feed represents a user's list or the result of a * // Twitter search. * * showUserScreenNames: null, // A flag (true/false/null) that specifies whether to display a username in * // tweets. If the param is set to null (the default value), a username * // is displayed only if the feed represents a user's list or the result of a * // Twitter search. * * showUserFullNames: false, // A flag (true/false/null) that specifies whether to display a user's full name * // in tweets. If the param is set to null, a user's full name * // is displayed only if the feed represents a user's list or the result of a * // Twitter search. * * expandHovercards: false, // Boolean - Show Hovercards in expanded mode. * * includeRetweets: true, // Boolean - Include native retweets in a user's tweet feed * * paging: // An object literal representing the configuration options for the * { // paging support, that specifies how more/earlier tweets can be loaded * mode: "none" // by using the supplied UI controls (more/next buttons, scrollbar). * }, // Accepted values for mode are: "none" | "more" | "prev-next" | "endless-scroll" * // if mode equals "endless-scroll" you have to set the height of the tweet feed * // element (.jta-tweet-list) in your CSS to get a scrollbar! You should also set * // the "overflow" attribute to "auto". * * autorefresh: // An object literal representing the configuration options for the * { // autorefresh behaviour. * * // IMPORTANT: Please always keep in mind, that using the Twitter API is rate * // limited. Non-authenticated users are rated IP-based and you have only 150 * // calls per hour available. Every retrieval of tweets counts and so does for * // example hovering over a profile image to show the hovercard. jTweetsAnywhere will * // always check the remaining count of free API calls before actually calling * // Twitter to avoid black listing your visitor's IP. * * // However - choose your settings wisely to keep your visitors happy. An update * // interval of 30 seconds on a feed that is updated averaged once per hour * // does not make sense and is a total waste of remaining API calls! * * mode: "none", // Accepted values for mode are: "none" | "auto-insert" | "trigger-insert" * // "none" (the default value) - disables the autorefresh feature * // "auto-insert" - automatically insert the new tweets on top of the tweet feed * // "trigger-insert" - if new tweets arrived, show or update a button that displays * // the number of new tweets. These new tweets are inserted on top of the tweet * // feed, if the user clicks on the button. * * interval: 60, // Time in seconds to be waited until the next request for new tweets. Minimum * // value is 30. * * duration: 3600 // Time in seconds for how long the autorefresh will be active. After * // this period of time, autorefreshing will stop. A value of -1 means * // autorefresh for ever. * } * } */ showTweetFeed: true, /** * A flag (true/false) that specifies whether to display a Twitter "Follow * Button". */ showFollowButton: false, /** * A flag (true/false) that specifies whether to display a Twitter "Connect * Button" or an object literal representing the configuration options for * the "Tweet Box". * { * size: 'medium' // String - The size of the Connect Button. Valid values are: small, medium, large, xlarge * } */ showConnectButton: false, /** * A flag (true/false) that specifies whether to display Login Infos. */ showLoginInfo: false, /** * A flag (true/false) that specifies whether to display a Twitter "Tweet * Box" or an object literal representing the configuration options for * the "Tweet Box". * { * counter: true, // Boolean - Display a counter in the Tweet Box for counting characters * width: 515, // Number - The width of the Tweet Box in pixels * height: 65, // Number - The height of the Tweet Box in pixels * label: "What's happening?", // String - The text above the Tweet Box, a call to action * defaultContent: , // String - Pre-populated text in the Tweet Box. Useful for an @mention, a #hashtag, a link, etc. * onTweet: // Function - Specify a listener for when a tweet is sent from the Tweet Box. The listener receives two arguments: a plaintext tweet and an HTML tweet * } */ showTweetBox: false, /** * Identifies the locale for I18N support. The default locale is 'en'. To use this option you have to inlude the * adequate locale script, jtweetsanywhere-{language}-{version}.js, e.g. jtweetsanywhere-de-1.3.0.js */ locale: 'en', /** * A dataProvider is a function that delivers the "raw" Twitter data in * JSON format. ATM internal use only! */ tweetDataProvider: defaultTweetDataProvider, //mockedTweetDataProvider, rateLimitDataProvider: defaultRateLimitDataProvider, //mockedRateLimitDataProvider, /** * A decorator is a function that is responsible for constructing a certain * element of the widget. Most of the decorators return a HTML string. * Exceptions are the mainDecorator, which defines the basic sequence of * the widget's components, plus the linkDecorator, the usernameDecorator * and the hashtagDecorator which return the string that is supplied as a * function param, enriched with the HTML tags. * * For details, see the implementations of the default decorators. Each * default decorator can be overwritten by your own implementation. */ mainDecorator: defaultMainDecorator, tweetFeedDecorator: defaultTweetFeedDecorator, tweetDecorator: defaultTweetDecorator, tweetProfileImageDecorator: defaultTweetProfileImageDecorator, tweetBodyDecorator: defaultTweetBodyDecorator, tweetUsernameDecorator: defaultTweetUsernameDecorator, tweetTextDecorator: defaultTweetTextDecorator, tweetAttributesDecorator: defaultTweetAttributesDecorator, tweetTwitterBirdDecorator: defaultTweetTwitterBirdDecorator, tweetTimestampDecorator: defaultTweetTimestampDecorator, tweetSourceDecorator: defaultTweetSourceDecorator, tweetGeoLocationDecorator: defaultTweetGeoLocationDecorator, tweetInReplyToDecorator: defaultTweetInReplyToDecorator, tweetRetweeterDecorator: defaultTweetRetweeterDecorator, tweetActionsDecorator: defaultTweetActionsDecorator, tweetActionReplyDecorator: defaultTweetActionReplyDecorator, tweetActionRetweetDecorator: defaultTweetActionRetweetDecorator, tweetActionFavoriteDecorator: defaultTweetActionFavoriteDecorator, tweetFeedControlsDecorator: defaultTweetFeedControlsDecorator, tweetFeedControlsMoreBtnDecorator: defaultTweetFeedControlsMoreBtnDecorator, tweetFeedControlsPrevBtnDecorator: defaultTweetFeedControlsPrevBtnDecorator, tweetFeedControlsNextBtnDecorator: defaultTweetFeedControlsNextBtnDecorator, tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerDecorator: defaultTweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerDecorator, tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerContentDecorator: defaultTweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerContentDecorator, connectButtonDecorator: defaultConnectButtonDecorator, loginInfoDecorator: defaultLoginInfoDecorator, loginInfoContentDecorator: defaultLoginInfoContentDecorator, followButtonDecorator: defaultFollowButtonDecorator, tweetBoxDecorator: defaultTweetBoxDecorator, linkDecorator: defaultLinkDecorator, usernameDecorator: defaultUsernameDecorator, hashtagDecorator: defaultHashtagDecorator, loadingDecorator: defaultLoadingDecorator, errorDecorator: defaultErrorDecorator, noDataDecorator: defaultNoDataDecorator, /** * Formatters are currently used for date format processing only. * * The tweetTimestampFormatter formats the tweet's timestamp to be shown * in the tweet attributes section * * For details, see the implementation of the defaultTweetTimestampFormatter. */ tweetTimestampFormatter : defaultTweetTimestampFormatter, /** * The tweetTimestampTooltipFormatter formats the tweet's timestamp to be shown * in the tooltip when hovering over the timestamp link. */ tweetTimestampTooltipFormatter : defaultTweetTimestampTooltipFormatter, /** * A visualizer is a function that is responsible for adding one or more * elements to the DOM and thereby making them visible to the user. * A visualizer might also be responsible to do the opposite effect: * To remove one or more elements from the DOM. * * The tweetVisualizer gets called each time a tweet element should be * appended or prepended to the tweet feed element. * * For details, see the implementation of the defaultTweetVisualizer. * * Each default visualizer can be overwritten by your own implementation. */ tweetVisualizer: defaultTweetVisualizer, /** * The loadingIndicatorVisualizer gets called each time data is retrieved * from Twitter to visualize the loading indicator. This visualizer is also * used to hide the loading indicator. * * For details, see the implementation of the defaultLoadingIndicatorVisualizer. */ loadingIndicatorVisualizer: defaultLoadingIndicatorVisualizer, /** * The autorefreshTriggerVisualizer will be called if the autorefresh * trigger should be visualized or hidden. * * For details, see the implementation of the autorefreshTriggerVisualizer. */ autorefreshTriggerVisualizer: defaultAutorefreshTriggerVisualizer, /** * An event handler is a function that gets called whenever the event you * are interested in, occurs. * * The onDataRequest event handler will be called immediatly before calling * Twitter to retrieve new data and gives you the opportunity to deny * the call by returning false from the function. * * This feature might be used in conjunction with the paging feature, * especially when using the "endless-scroll" paging mode, to avoid the * exhaustion of remaining Twitter API calls, before the rate limit is * reached. The stats parameter contains statistical infos and counters * that you can examine to base your decision whether to return true or * false. */ onDataRequestHandler: defaultOnDataRequestHandler, /** * The onRateLimitData event handler is called each time * jTweetsAnywhere retrieved the rate limit data from Twitter. The actual * rate limit data is contained in the stats object. */ onRateLimitDataHandler: defaultOnRateLimitDataHandler, /** * The OnOptionsInitializingHandler event handler is called before initializing * the user options */ onOptionsInitializingHandler: defaultOnOptionsInitializingHandler, _tweetFeedConfig: { autoConformToTwitterStyleguide: false, showTwitterBird: true, showTimestamp: { refreshInterval: 0 }, showSource: false, showGeoLocation: true, showInReplyTo: true, showActionReply: false, showActionRetweet: false, showActionFavorite: false, showProfileImages: null, showUserScreenNames: null, showUserFullNames: false, expandHovercards: false, includeRetweets: true, paging: { mode: "none", _limit: 0, _offset: 0 }, autorefresh: { mode: "none", interval: 60, duration: 3600, max: -1, _startTime: null, _triggerElement: null }, _pageParam: 0, _maxId: null, _recLevel: 0, _noData: false, _clearBeforePopulate: false }, _tweetBoxConfig: { counter: true, width: 515, height: 65, label: null, defaultContent: '', onTweet: function(textTweet, htmlTweet) {} }, _connectButtonConfig: { size: "medium" }, _baseSelector: null, _baseElement: null, _tweetFeedElement: null, _tweetFeedControlsElement: null, _followButtonElement: null, _loginInfoElement: null, _connectButtonElement: null, _tweetBoxElement: null, _loadingIndicatorElement: null, _noDataElement: null, _tweetsCache: [], _autorefreshTweetsCache: [], _stats: { dataRequestCount: 0, rateLimitPreventionCount: 0, rateLimit: { remaining_hits: 150, hourly_limit: 150 } }, _resourceBundle: null }, config); // save the plugin's base selector options._baseSelector = this.selector; options.onOptionsInitializingHandler(options); setupOptions(options); // no main decorator? nothing to do! if (!options.mainDecorator) { return; } $.ajaxSetup({ cache: true }); return this.each(function() { // the DOM element, where to display the widget options._baseElement = $(this); // create the widget's necessary sub DOM elements options._tweetFeedElement = options.tweetFeedDecorator ? $(options.tweetFeedDecorator(options)) : null; options._tweetFeedControlsElement = options.tweetFeedControlsDecorator ? $(options.tweetFeedControlsDecorator(options)) : null; options._followButtonElement = options.followButtonDecorator ? $(options.followButtonDecorator(options)) : null; options._tweetBoxElement = options.tweetBoxDecorator ? $(options.tweetBoxDecorator(options)) : null; options._connectButtonElement = options.connectButtonDecorator ? $(options.connectButtonDecorator(options)): null; options._loginInfoElement = options.loginInfoDecorator ? $(options.loginInfoDecorator(options)) : null; // add the widget to the DOM options.mainDecorator(options); populateTweetFeed(options); populateAnywhereControls(options); bindEventHandlers(options); setupAutorefresh(options); }); }; defaultMainDecorator = function(options) { // defines the default sequence of the widget's elements if (options._tweetFeedElement) { options._baseElement.append(options._tweetFeedElement); } if (options._tweetFeedControlsElement) { options._baseElement.append(options._tweetFeedControlsElement); } if (options._connectButtonElement) { options._baseElement.append(options._connectButtonElement); } if (options._loginInfoElement) { options._baseElement.append(options._loginInfoElement); } if (options._followButtonElement) { options._baseElement.append(options._followButtonElement); } if (options._tweetBoxElement) { options._baseElement.append(options._tweetBoxElement); } }; defaultTweetFeedControlsDecorator = function(options) { // the default tweet feed's paging controls var html = ''; if (options._tweetFeedConfig.paging.mode == 'prev-next') { if (options.tweetFeedControlsPrevBtnDecorator) { html += options.tweetFeedControlsPrevBtnDecorator(options); } if (options.tweetFeedControlsNextBtnDecorator) { html += options.tweetFeedControlsNextBtnDecorator(options); } } else if (options._tweetFeedConfig.paging.mode == 'endless-scroll') { // nothing to do here } else { if (options.tweetFeedControlsMoreBtnDecorator) { html += options.tweetFeedControlsMoreBtnDecorator(options); } } return '
' + html + '
'; }; defaultTweetFeedControlsMoreBtnDecorator = function(options) { return '' + options._resourceBundle._('More') + ''; }; defaultTweetFeedControlsPrevBtnDecorator = function(options) { return '' + options._resourceBundle._('Prev') + ''; }; defaultTweetFeedControlsNextBtnDecorator = function(options) { return '' + options._resourceBundle._('Next') + ''; }; defaultTweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerDecorator = function(count, options) { var html = ''; if (options.tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerContentDecorator) { html = options.tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerContentDecorator(count, options); } return '
  • ' + html + '
  • '; }; defaultTweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerContentDecorator = function(count, options) { var content = options._resourceBundle.__('%count% new tweet', '%count% new tweets', count, { '%count%' : count }); return '' + content + ''; }; defaultTweetFeedDecorator = function(options) { // the default placeholder for the tweet feed is an unordered list return ''; }; defaultTweetDecorator = function(tweet, options) { // the default tweet is made of the optional user's profile image and the // tweet body inside a list item element var html = ''; if (options._tweetFeedConfig.showProfileImages) { html += options.tweetProfileImageDecorator(tweet, options); } if (options.tweetBodyDecorator) { html += options.tweetBodyDecorator(tweet, options); } return '
  • ' + html + '
  • '; }; defaultTweetProfileImageDecorator = function(tweet, options) { // if tweet is a native retweet, use the retweet's profile var t = tweet.retweeted_status || tweet; // the default profile image decorator simply adds a link to the user's Twitter profile var screenName = getScreenName(tweet); var imageUrl = t.user ? t.user.profile_image_url : false || t.profile_image_url; var html = '' + '' + screenName + '' + ''; return '
    ' + html + '
    '; }; defaultTweetBodyDecorator = function(tweet, options) { // the default tweet body contains the tweet text and the tweet's creation date var html = ''; if (options.tweetTextDecorator) { html += options.tweetTextDecorator(tweet, options); } if (options.tweetAttributesDecorator) { html += options.tweetAttributesDecorator(tweet, options); } if (options.tweetActionsDecorator) { html += options.tweetActionsDecorator(tweet, options); } return '
    ' + html + '
    '; }; defaultTweetTextDecorator = function(tweet, options) { var tweetText = tweet.text; // if usernames should be visible and tweet is a native retweet, use // the original tweet text if (tweet.retweeted_status && ( options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserScreenNames || options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserScreenNames == null || options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserFullNames || options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserFullNames == null ) ) { tweetText = tweet.retweeted_status.text; } // the default tweet text decorator optionally marks links, @usernames, // and #hashtags if (options.linkDecorator) { tweetText = options.linkDecorator(tweetText, options); } if (options.usernameDecorator) { tweetText = options.usernameDecorator(tweetText, options); } if (options.hashtagDecorator) { tweetText = options.hashtagDecorator(tweetText, options); } if (options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserScreenNames || options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserFullNames || tweet.retweeted_status && ( options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserScreenNames == null || options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserFullNames == null ) ) { tweetText = options.tweetUsernameDecorator(tweet, options) + ' ' + tweetText; } return '

    ' + tweetText + '

    '; }; defaultTweetUsernameDecorator = function(tweet, options) { // if tweet is a native retweet, use the retweet's profile var screenName = getScreenName(tweet); var fullName = getFullName(tweet); var htmlScreenName = null; if (screenName && (options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserScreenNames || (options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserScreenNames == null && tweet.retweeted_status))) { htmlScreenName = '' + '' + screenName + '' + ''; } var htmlFullName = null; if (fullName && (options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserFullNames || (options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserFullNames == null && tweet.retweeted_status))) { htmlFullName = '' + (htmlScreenName ? ' ' : '') + '' + fullName + '' + ''; } var html = ''; if (htmlScreenName) { html += htmlScreenName; } if (htmlFullName) { if (htmlScreenName) { html += ' '; } html += htmlFullName; } if (htmlScreenName || htmlFullName) { html = '' + (tweet.retweeted_status ? 'RT ' : '') + html + ''; } return html; }; defaultTweetAttributesDecorator = function(tweet, options) { var html = ''; if (options.tweetTwitterBirdDecorator || options.tweetTimestampDecorator || options.tweetSourceDecorator || options.tweetGeoLocationDecorator || options.tweetInReplyToDecorator || (tweet.retweeted_status && options.tweetRetweeterDecorator) ) { if (options.tweetTwitterBirdDecorator) { html += options.tweetTwitterBirdDecorator(tweet, options); } if (options.tweetTimestampDecorator) { html += options.tweetTimestampDecorator(tweet, options); } if (options.tweetSourceDecorator) { html += options.tweetSourceDecorator(tweet, options); } if (options.tweetGeoLocationDecorator) { html += options.tweetGeoLocationDecorator(tweet, options); } if (options.tweetInReplyToDecorator) { html += options.tweetInReplyToDecorator(tweet, options); } if (tweet.retweeted_status && options.tweetRetweeterDecorator) { html += options.tweetRetweeterDecorator(tweet, options); } } return html; }; defaultTweetTimestampDecorator = function(tweet, options) { // the default tweet timestamp decorator does a little bit of Twitter like formatting. // if tweet is a native retweet, use the retweet's timestamp var tw = tweet.retweeted_status || tweet; // reformat timestamp from Twitter, so IE is happy var createdAt = formatDate(tw.created_at); // format the timestamp by the tweetTimestampFormatter var tweetTimestamp = options.tweetTimestampFormatter(createdAt, options); var tweetTimestampTooltip = options.tweetTimestampTooltipFormatter(createdAt); var html = '' + tweetTimestamp + ''; return html; }; defaultTweetTwitterBirdDecorator = function(tweet, options) { var screenName = getScreenName(tweet); var intentUrl = 'https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=' + screenName; var linkTitle = screenName + ' ' + options._resourceBundle._('on Twitter'); var html = '' + '' + ' ' + '' + ''; return html; }; defaultTweetTimestampTooltipFormatter = function(timeStamp) { var d = new Date(timeStamp); return d.toLocaleString(); }; defaultTweetTimestampFormatter = function(timeStamp, options) { var now = new Date(); var diff = parseInt((now.getTime() - Date.parse(timeStamp)) / 1000); var tweetTimestamp = ''; if (diff < 60) { tweetTimestamp += options._resourceBundle.__('%secs% second ago', '%secs% seconds ago', diff, { '%secs%': diff }); } else if (diff < 3600) { var t = parseInt((diff + 30) / 60); tweetTimestamp += options._resourceBundle.__('%mins% minute ago', '%mins% minutes ago', t, { '%mins%': t }); } else if (diff < 86400) { var t = parseInt((diff + 1800) / 3600); tweetTimestamp += options._resourceBundle.__('%hours% hour ago', '%hours% hours ago', t, { '%hours%': t }); } else { var t = parseInt((diff + 43200) / 86400); tweetTimestamp += options._resourceBundle.__('%days% day ago', '%days% days ago', t, { '%days%': t }); } return tweetTimestamp; }; defaultTweetSourceDecorator = function(tweet, options) { // if tweet is a native retweet, use the retweet's source var tw = tweet.retweeted_status || tweet; var source = tw.source.replace(/\<\;/gi,'<').replace(/\>\;/gi,'>').replace(/\"\;/gi,'"'); var html = '' + ' ' + options._resourceBundle._('via') + ' ' + '' + source + '' + ''; return html; }; defaultTweetGeoLocationDecorator = function(tweet, options) { var html = ''; // if tweet is a native retweet, use the retweet's source var tw = tweet.retweeted_status || tweet; var q = null; if (tw.geo && tw.geo.coordinates) { q = tw.geo.coordinates.join(); } else if (tw.place && tw.place.full_name) { q = tw.place.full_name; } if (q) { var location = options._resourceBundle._('here'); if (tw.place && tw.place.full_name) { location = tw.place.full_name; } var link = 'http://maps.google.com/maps?q=' + q; html = '' + ' ' + options._resourceBundle._('from') + ' ' + '' + location + '' + ''; } return html; }; defaultTweetInReplyToDecorator = function(tweet, options) { // if tweet is a native retweet, use the retweet's source var tw = tweet.retweeted_status || tweet; var html = ''; if (tw.in_reply_to_status_id && tw.in_reply_to_screen_name) { var linkHref = 'http://twitter.com/' + tw.in_reply_to_screen_name + '/status/' + tw.in_reply_to_status_id; var linkText = options._resourceBundle._('in reply to') + ' ' + tw.in_reply_to_screen_name; html = '' + ' ' + '' + linkText + '' + ''; } return html; }; defaultTweetRetweeterDecorator = function(tweet, options) { var html = ''; if (tweet.retweeted_status) { var screenName = getUserScreenName(tweet); var rtc = (tweet.retweeted_status.retweet_count || 0) - 1; var link = '' + screenName + ''; var rtcount = options._resourceBundle.__(' and %rtc% other', ' and %rtc% others', rtc, { '%rtc%': rtc }); html = '
    ' + '' + options._resourceBundle._('Retweeted by') + ' ' + link + (rtc > 0 ? rtcount : '') + ''; } return html; }; defaultTweetActionsDecorator = function(tweet, options) { var html = ''; if (options.tweetActionReplyDecorator || options.tweetActionRetweetDecorator || options.tweetActionFavoriteDecorator ) { html += ''; if (options.tweetActionReplyDecorator) { html += options.tweetActionReplyDecorator(tweet, options); } if (options.tweetActionRetweetDecorator) { html += options.tweetActionRetweetDecorator(tweet, options); } if (options.tweetActionFavoriteDecorator) { html += options.tweetActionFavoriteDecorator(tweet, options); } html += ''; } return html; }; defaultTweetActionReplyDecorator = function(tweet, options) { var intentUrl = 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?in_reply_to=' + tweet.id; var actionLabel = options._resourceBundle._('Reply'); var html = '' + '' + actionLabel + '' + ''; return html; }; defaultTweetActionRetweetDecorator = function(tweet, options) { var intentUrl = 'https://twitter.com/intent/retweet?tweet_id=' + tweet.id; var actionLabel = options._resourceBundle._('Retweet'); var html = '' + '' + actionLabel + '' + ''; return html; }; defaultTweetActionFavoriteDecorator = function(tweet, options) { var intentUrl = 'https://twitter.com/intent/favorite?tweet_id=' + tweet.id; var actionLabel = options._resourceBundle._('Favorite'); var html = '' + '' + actionLabel + '' + ''; return html; }; defaultConnectButtonDecorator = function(options) { // the default placeholder for the @Anywhere ConnectButton return '
    '; }; defaultLoginInfoDecorator = function(options) { // the default placeholder for the LoginInfo return ''; }; defaultLoginInfoContentDecorator = function(options, T) { // the default markup of the LoginInfo content: the user's profile image, the // user's screen_name and a "button" to sign out var html = ''; if (T.isConnected()) { var screenName = T.currentUser.data('screen_name'); var imageUrl = T.currentUser.data('profile_image_url'); html = '' + '' + '
    ' ; } return html; }; defaultFollowButtonDecorator = function(options) { // the default placeholder for the @Anywhere FollowButton return '
    '; }; defaultTweetBoxDecorator = function(options) { // the default placeholder for the @Anywhere TweetBox return '
    '; }; defaultLinkDecorator = function(text, options) { // the regex to markup links return text.replace(/((ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?)/gi,'$1<\/a>'); }; defaultUsernameDecorator = function(text, options) { // the regex to markup @usernames. if @Anywhere is present the task is left to // them return isAnywherePresent() ? text : text.replace(/\B@(\w+)/gi,'@#$1<\/a>'); }; defaultLoadingDecorator = function(options) { // the default loading decorator simply says: loading ... return '
  • '; }; defaultErrorDecorator = function(errorText, options) { // the default error decorator shows the error message return '
  • ' + options._resourceBundle._('ERROR') + ': ' + errorText + '
  • '; }; defaultNoDataDecorator = function(options) { // the default no-data decorator simply says: No more data return '
  • ' + options._resourceBundle._('No more data') + '
  • '; }; defaultTweetFilter = function(tweet, options) { return true; }; defaultTweetVisualizer = function(tweetFeedElement, tweetElement, inserter, options) { // insert (append/prepend) the tweetElement to the tweetFeedElement tweetFeedElement[inserter](tweetElement); }; defaultLoadingIndicatorVisualizer = function(tweetFeedElement, loadingIndicatorElement, options, callback) { defaultVisualizer(tweetFeedElement, loadingIndicatorElement, 'append', 'fadeIn', 600, 'fadeOut', 200, callback); }; defaultAutorefreshTriggerVisualizer = function(tweetFeedElement, triggerElement, options, callback) { defaultVisualizer(tweetFeedElement, triggerElement, 'prepend', 'slideDown', 600, 'fadeOut', 200, callback); }; defaultVisualizer = function(container, element, inserter, effectIn, durationIn, effectOut, durationOut, callback) { // if param container is null element has to be removed from // the DOM, else element has to be inserted in container // if param callback is not null, the callback function must be called // in any case, if the visualizer is done var cb = function() { if (callback) { callback(); } }; if (container) { element.hide(); container[inserter](element); element[effectIn](durationIn, cb); } else { element[effectOut](durationOut, function() { element.remove(); cb(); }); } }; defaultOnDataRequestHandler = function(stats, options) { return true; }; defaultOnRateLimitDataHandler = function(stats, options) { }; defaultOnOptionsInitializingHandler = function(options) { }; updateLoginInfoElement = function(options, T) { // update the content of the LoginInfo element if (options._loginInfoElement && options.loginInfoContentDecorator) { options._loginInfoElement.children().remove(); options._loginInfoElement.append(options.loginInfoContentDecorator(options, T)); $(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-login-info-sign-out').bind('click', function() { twttr.anywhere.signOut(); }); } }; getFeedUrl = function(options, flPaging) { // create the Twitter API URL based on the configuration options var url = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https:' : 'http:'); if (options.searchParams) { url += '//search.twitter.com/search.json?' + ((options.searchParams instanceof Array) ? options.searchParams.join('&') : options.searchParams) + '&rpp=100'; } else if (options.list) { if ('favorites' == options.list) { url += '//api.twitter.com/1/favorites/' + options.username + '.json?count=20'; } else { url += '//api.twitter.com/1/' + options.username + '/lists/' + options.list + '/statuses.json?per_page=20'; } } else { url += '//api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=' + options.username + '&count=20'; if (options._tweetFeedConfig.includeRetweets) url += '&include_rts=true'; } if (flPaging) { url += (options._tweetFeedConfig._maxId ? '&max_id=' + options._tweetFeedConfig._maxId : '') + '&page=' + options._tweetFeedConfig._pageParam; } url += '&callback=?'; return url; }; isAnywherePresent = function() { // check, if @Anywhere is present return (typeof(twttr) != 'undefined' && typeof(twttr.anywhere) != 'undefined'); }; clearTweetFeed = function(options) { if (options._tweetFeedElement) { options._tweetFeedElement.empty(); } }; setupOptions = function(options) { options._resourceBundle = JTA_I18N.getResourceBundle('jTweetsAnywhere', options.locale); options._tweetBoxConfig.label = options._resourceBundle._("What's happening?"); // if username is an array, create the search query and flatten username if (typeof(options.username) != 'string') { if (!options.searchParams) { options.searchParams = ['q=from:' + options.username.join(" OR from:")]; } options.username = options.username[0]; } // if showTweetFeed is not set to a boolean value, we expect the configuration of // the tweet feed if (typeof(options.showTweetFeed) == 'object') { $.extend(true, options._tweetFeedConfig, options.showTweetFeed); } // if showTweetBox is not set to a boolean value, we expect the configuration of // the TweetBox if (typeof(options.showTweetBox) == 'object') { $.extend(true, options._tweetBoxConfig, options.showTweetBox); options.showTweetBox = true; } // if showConnectButton is not set to a boolean value, we expect the // configuration of the Connect Button if (typeof(options.showConnectButton) == 'object') { options._connectButtonConfig = options.showConnectButton; options.showConnectButton = true; } // to be compatible, check the deprecated option 'tweetProfileImagePresent' if (options._tweetFeedConfig.showProfileImages == null) { options._tweetFeedConfig.showProfileImages = options.tweetProfileImagePresent; } // if _tweetFeedConfig.showProfileImages is not set to a boolean value, // we decide to show a profile image if the feed represents a user's // list or the results of a Twitter search if (options._tweetFeedConfig.showProfileImages == null) { options._tweetFeedConfig.showProfileImages = (options.list || options.searchParams) && options.tweetProfileImageDecorator; } // handle the autoConformToTwitterStyleguide if (options._tweetFeedConfig.autoConformToTwitterStyleguide) { options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserFullNames = null; options._tweetFeedConfig.showTwitterBird = true; options._tweetFeedConfig.showActionReply = true; options._tweetFeedConfig.showActionRetweet = true; options._tweetFeedConfig.showActionFavorite = true; } // if _tweetFeedConfig.showUserScreenNames is not set to a boolean value, // we decide to show a username if the feed represents a user's // list or the results of a Twitter search or a tweet is a native retweet if (options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserScreenNames == null) { if (options.list || options.searchParams) { options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserScreenNames = true; } if (!options.tweetUsernameDecorator) { options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserScreenNames = false; } } // if _tweetFeedConfig.showUserFullNames is not set to a boolean value, // we decide to show a user's full name if the feed represents a user's // list or the results of a Twitter search or a tweet is a native retweet if (options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserFullNames == null) { if (options.list || options.searchParams) { options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserFullNames = true; } if (!options.tweetUsernameDecorator) { options._tweetFeedConfig.showUserFullNames = false; } } options.count = validateRange(options.count, 0, options.searchParams ? 100 : 20); options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.interval = Math.max(30, options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.interval); if (options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.max <= 0) { options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.max = -1; } options._tweetFeedConfig.paging._offset = 0; options._tweetFeedConfig.paging._limit = options.count; // internally, the decision of what parts of a widget are to be // displayed is based on the existence of the decorators if (options.count == 0 || !options.showTweetFeed) { options.tweetFeedDecorator = null; options.tweetFeedControlsDecorator = null; } if (options._tweetFeedConfig.paging.mode == 'none') { options.tweetFeedControlsDecorator = null; } if (!options.showFollowButton) { options.followButtonDecorator = null; } if (!options.showTweetBox) { options.tweetBoxDecorator = null; } if (!options.showConnectButton) { options.connectButtonDecorator = null; } if (!options.showLoginInfo) { options.loginInfoDecorator = null; } if (!options._tweetFeedConfig.showTwitterBird) { options.tweetTwitterBirdDecorator = null; } if (!options._tweetFeedConfig.showTimestamp) { options.tweetTimestampDecorator = null; } if (!options._tweetFeedConfig.showSource) { options.tweetSourceDecorator = null; } if (!options._tweetFeedConfig.showGeoLocation) { options.tweetGeoLocationDecorator = null; } if (!options._tweetFeedConfig.showInReplyTo) { options.tweetInReplyToDecorator = null; } if (!options._tweetFeedConfig.showActionReply) { options.tweetActionReplyDecorator = null; } if (!options._tweetFeedConfig.showActionRetweet) { options.tweetActionRetweetDecorator = null; } if (!options._tweetFeedConfig.showActionFavorite) { options.tweetActionFavoriteDecorator = null; } }; setupAutorefresh = function(options) { options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh._startTime = new Date().getTime(); startAutorefresh(options); startTimestampRefresh(options); }; populateTweetFeed = function(options) { // if a tweet feed is to be displayed, get the tweets and show them if (options.tweetDecorator && options._tweetFeedElement) { getPagedTweets(options, function(tweets, options) { if (options._tweetFeedConfig._clearBeforePopulate) { clearTweetFeed(options); } hideLoadingIndicator(options, function() { // process the tweets $.each(tweets, function(idx, tweet) { // decorate the tweet and give it to the tweet visualizer options.tweetVisualizer( options._tweetFeedElement, $(options.tweetDecorator(tweet, options)), 'append', options ); }); if (options._tweetFeedConfig._noData && options.noDataDecorator && !options._tweetFeedConfig._noDataElement) { options._tweetFeedConfig._noDataElement = $(options.noDataDecorator(options)); options._tweetFeedElement.append(options._tweetFeedConfig._noDataElement); } if (options._tweetFeedConfig._clearBeforePopulate) { options._tweetFeedElement.scrollTop(0); } addHovercards(options); }); }); } }; populateTweetFeed2 = function(options) { if (options._tweetFeedElement && options._autorefreshTweetsCache.length > 0) { if (options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.mode == 'trigger-insert') { if (options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh._triggerElement) { if (options.tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerContentDecorator) { options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh._triggerElement.html( options.tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerContentDecorator(options._autorefreshTweetsCache.length, options) ); } } else { if (options.tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerDecorator) { options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh._triggerElement = $(options.tweetFeedAutorefreshTriggerDecorator(options._autorefreshTweetsCache.length, options)); options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh._triggerElement.bind('click', function() { options.autorefreshTriggerVisualizer( null, options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh._triggerElement, options, function() { insertTriggerTweets(options); } ); options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh._triggerElement = null; }); options.autorefreshTriggerVisualizer(options._tweetFeedElement, options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh._triggerElement, options); } } } else { insertTriggerTweets(options); } } }; insertTriggerTweets = function(options) { // populate the tweet feed with tweets from the autorefresh cache if (options.tweetDecorator && options._autorefreshTweetsCache.length > 0) { // process the autorefresh cache while (options._autorefreshTweetsCache.length > 0) { // get the last tweet and remove it from the autorefresh cache var tweet = options._autorefreshTweetsCache.pop(); // put that tweet on top of the tweets cache options._tweetsCache.unshift(tweet); // adjust paging offset options._tweetFeedConfig.paging._offset++; // decorate the tweet and give it to the tweet visualizer options.tweetVisualizer( options._tweetFeedElement, $(options.tweetDecorator(tweet, options)), 'prepend', options ); } addHovercards(options); } }; addHovercards = function(options) { if (isAnywherePresent()) { // if @Anywhere is present, append Hovercards to @username and // profile images twttr.anywhere(function(T) { T(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-tweet-list').hovercards({expanded: options._tweetFeedConfig.expandHovercards}); T(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-tweet-profile-image img').hovercards( { expanded: options._tweetFeedConfig.expandHovercards, username: function(node) { return node.alt; } }); T(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-tweet-retweeter-link').hovercards( { expanded: options._tweetFeedConfig.expandHovercards, username: function(node) { return node.text; } }); T(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-tweet-user-screen-name-link').hovercards( { expanded: options._tweetFeedConfig.expandHovercards, username: function(node) { return node.text; } }); T(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-tweet-user-full-name-link').hovercards( { expanded: options._tweetFeedConfig.expandHovercards, username: function(node) { return node.name; } }); }); } }; populateAnywhereControls = function(options) { if (isAnywherePresent()) { twttr.anywhere(function(T) { // optionally add an @Anywhere TweetBox if (options.tweetBoxDecorator) { T(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-tweet-box').tweetBox(options._tweetBoxConfig); } // optionally add an @Anywhere FollowButton if (options.followButtonDecorator) { T(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-follow-button').followButton(options.username); } // optionally add an @Anywhere ConnectButton if (options.connectButtonDecorator) { var o = $.extend( { authComplete: function(user) { // display/update login infos on connect/signin event updateLoginInfoElement(options, T); }, signOut: function() { // display/update login infos on signout event updateLoginInfoElement(options, T); } }, options._connectButtonConfig); T(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-connect-button').connectButton(o); // display/update login infos updateLoginInfoElement(options, T); } }); } }; bindEventHandlers = function(options) { if (options.tweetFeedControlsDecorator) { if (options._tweetFeedConfig.paging.mode == 'prev-next') { $(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-tweet-list-controls-button-prev').bind('click', function() { if (!isLoading(options) && options._tweetFeedConfig.paging._offset > 0) { prevPage(options, true); } }); $(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-tweet-list-controls-button-next').bind('click', function() { if (!isLoading(options)) { nextPage(options, true); } }); } else if (options._tweetFeedConfig.paging.mode == 'endless-scroll') { options._tweetFeedElement.bind("scroll", function() { if (!isLoading(options) && ($(this)[0].scrollHeight - $(this).scrollTop() == $(this).outerHeight())) { nextPage(options, false); } }); } else { $(options._baseSelector + ' .jta-tweet-list-controls-button-more').bind('click', function() { if (!isLoading(options)) { nextPage(options, false); } }); } } }; nextPage = function(options, flClear) { doPage(options, flClear, Math.min(options._tweetFeedConfig.paging._offset + options._tweetFeedConfig.paging._limit, options._tweetsCache.length)); }; prevPage = function(options, flClear) { doPage(options, flClear, Math.max(0, options._tweetFeedConfig.paging._offset - options._tweetFeedConfig.paging._limit)); }; doPage = function(options, flClear, newOffset) { options._tweetFeedConfig.paging._offset = newOffset; options._tweetFeedConfig._clearBeforePopulate = flClear; populateTweetFeed(options); }; startAutorefresh = function(options) { if (options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.mode != 'none' && options._tweetFeedConfig.paging.mode != 'prev-next' && options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.duration != 0 && ( options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.duration < 0 || (new Date().getTime() - options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh._startTime) <= options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.duration * 1000 ) ) { window.setTimeout(function() { processAutorefresh(options); }, options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.interval * 1000); } }; stopAutorefresh = function(options) { options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.duration = 0; }; processAutorefresh = function(options) { if (options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.duration != 0) { // load the data ... getRateLimitedData(options, true, getFeedUrl(options, false), function(data, options) { // reverse the sequence of the autorefresh tweets ... var tweets = (data.results || data).slice(0); tweets.reverse(); // ...then process them $.each(tweets, function(idx, tweet) { // Snowflake support: just update ids that are currently used if (tweet.id_str) { tweet.id = tweet.id_str; } if (tweet.in_reply_to_status_id_str) { tweet.in_reply_to_status_id = tweet.in_reply_to_status_id_str; } // if this tweet is already in one of the tweet caches, ignore it if (!isTweetInAutorefreshCache(tweet, options) && !isTweetInCache(tweet, options)) { // optionally filter tweet ... if (options.tweetFilter(tweet, options)) { // ... then put it to the top of the autorefresh cache options._autorefreshTweetsCache.unshift(tweet); // if a maximum autorefresh cache size is configured, remove elder tweets if (options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.max > 0) { while (options._autorefreshTweetsCache.length > options._tweetFeedConfig.autorefresh.max) { options._autorefreshTweetsCache.pop(); } } } } }); populateTweetFeed2(options); }); // restart autorefresh startAutorefresh(options); } }; startTimestampRefresh = function(options) { if ( options.tweetTimestampDecorator && typeof(options._tweetFeedConfig.showTimestamp) == 'object' && options._tweetFeedConfig.showTimestamp.refreshInterval > 0 ) { window.setTimeout(function() { processTimestampRefresh(options); }, options._tweetFeedConfig.showTimestamp.refreshInterval * 1000); } }; processTimestampRefresh = function(options) { $.each(options._tweetFeedElement.find('.jta-tweet-timestamp-link'), function(idx, element) { var dataTimestamp = $(element).attr('data-timestamp'); $(element).html(options.tweetTimestampFormatter(dataTimestamp, options)); }); startTimestampRefresh(options); }; isTweetInCache = function(tweet, options) { var l = options._tweetsCache.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (tweet.id == options._tweetsCache[i].id) { return true; } } return false; }; isTweetInAutorefreshCache = function(tweet, options) { var l = options._autorefreshTweetsCache.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (tweet.id == options._autorefreshTweetsCache[i].id) { return true; } } return false; }; showLoadingIndicator = function(options) { if (options._tweetFeedElement && options.loadingDecorator && !options._loadingIndicatorElement) { options._loadingIndicatorElement = $(options.loadingDecorator(options)); options.loadingIndicatorVisualizer(options._tweetFeedElement, options._loadingIndicatorElement, options, null); options._tweetFeedElement.scrollTop(1000000); } }; hideLoadingIndicator = function(options, callback) { if (options._loadingIndicatorElement) { options.loadingIndicatorVisualizer(null, options._loadingIndicatorElement, options, callback); options._loadingIndicatorElement = null; } else { if (callback) { callback(); } } }; isLoading = function(options) { return options._loadingIndicatorElement != null; }; formatDate = function(dateStr) { return dateStr.replace(/^([a-z]{3})( [a-z]{3} \d\d?)(.*)( \d{4})$/i, '$1,$2$4$3'); }; getUserScreenName = function(tweet) { var screenName = tweet.user ? tweet.user.screen_name : false || tweet.from_user; return screenName; }; getScreenName = function(tweet) { var t = tweet.retweeted_status || tweet; var screenName = t.user ? t.user.screen_name : false || t.from_user; return screenName; }; getFullName = function(tweet) { var t = tweet.retweeted_status || tweet; var fullName = t.user ? t.user.name : undefined; return fullName; }; validateRange = function(num, lo, hi) { if (num < lo) num = lo; if (num > hi) num = hi; return num; }; showError = function(options, errorText) { if (options.errorDecorator && options._tweetFeedElement) { options._tweetFeedElement.append(options.errorDecorator(errorText, options)); } }; getPagedTweets = function(options, callback) { options._tweetFeedConfig._recLevel = 0; getRecPagedTweets(options, options._tweetFeedConfig.paging._offset, options._tweetFeedConfig.paging._limit, callback); }; getRecPagedTweets = function(options, offset, limit, callback) { ++options._tweetFeedConfig._recLevel; if (offset + limit <= options._tweetsCache.length || options._tweetFeedConfig._recLevel > 3 || options._tweetFeedConfig._noData ) { // if the requested data is already cached or the max. no. of // consecutive API calls is reached, use the records if (offset + limit > options._tweetsCache.length) { limit = Math.max(0, options._tweetsCache.length - offset); } var tweets = []; for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) { tweets[i] = options._tweetsCache[offset + i]; } callback(tweets, options); } else { // ... if not, load the data, fill the cache and try again ++options._tweetFeedConfig._pageParam; getRateLimitedData(options, false, getFeedUrl(options, true), function(data, options) { var tweets = data.results || data; if (tweets.length == 0) { options._tweetFeedConfig._noData = true; } else { $.each(tweets, function(idx, tweet) { // Snowflake support: just update ids that are currently used if (tweet.id_str) { tweet.id = tweet.id_str; } if (tweet.in_reply_to_status_id_str) { tweet.in_reply_to_status_id = tweet.in_reply_to_status_id_str; } // save the first tweet id for subsequent paging requests if (!options._tweetFeedConfig._maxId) { options._tweetFeedConfig._maxId = tweet.id; } // optionally filter tweet ... if (options.tweetFilter(tweet, options)) { // then put it into the cache options._tweetsCache.push(tweet); } }); } getRecPagedTweets(options, offset, limit, callback); }); } }; getRateLimitedData = function(options, flAutorefresh, url, callback) { getRateLimit(options, function(rateLimit) { if (rateLimit && rateLimit.remaining_hits <= 0) { options._stats.rateLimitPreventionCount++; hideLoadingIndicator(options, null); return; } getData(options, flAutorefresh, url, callback); }); }; getData = function(options, flAutorefresh, url, callback) { options._stats.dataRequestCount++; if (!options.onDataRequestHandler(options._stats, options)) { hideLoadingIndicator(options, null); return; } if (!flAutorefresh) { showLoadingIndicator(options); } options.tweetDataProvider(url, function(data) { if (data.error) { // in case of an error, display the error message showError(options, data.error); } else { callback(data, options); } }); }; getRateLimit = function(options, callback) { options.rateLimitDataProvider(function(rateLimit) { options._stats.rateLimit = rateLimit; options.onRateLimitDataHandler(options._stats, options); callback(rateLimit); }); }; defaultTweetDataProvider = function(url, callback) { $.getJSON(url, callback); }; defaultRateLimitDataProvider = function(callback) { $.getJSON('http://api.twitter.com/1/account/rate_limit_status.json?callback=?', callback); }; })(jQuery);