--- title: blog --- .row .col-sm-12 #welcome :markdown _Welcome to Ariejan.net and thanks for checking out the frontpage ;-)_ This is my personal tech blog (see below) where I record and share my development and other activities. You can [read more about me][1], checkout [my past talks][2] or [open source projects][3]. [1]: http://ariejan.net/about/ [2]: http://ariejan.net/talks/ [3]: http://ariejan.net/projects/ .row .col-sm-12 #posts - sorted_articles[0..4].each do |article| .post %h2.title= link_to article[:title], article.path, title: article[:title] %p.meta= get_pretty_date(article) %p.summary= article[:summary] .row .col-sm-12 #older-posts - sorted_articles[5..-1].each do |article| .post %h2.title %a{href: article.path, title: article[:title]} %span.meta= get_short_date(article) = article[:title]