require 'open3' # This nanoc filter is a general purpose filter that simply pipes # the contents of an item into a given shell command, and sets # the items output to the output of it. # # It is NOT safe to use on large inputs, which will cause I/O # deadlocks. Any safer implementation is encouraged. # # Usage: # # compile '/static/js/*/' do # # minify JS :) # filter :shellcmd, "java -jar js-compiler.jar" # end # # Written by Vincent Driessen ( and # released to the public domain. # # class ShellCmdFilter < Nanoc3::Filter identifier :shellcmd def run(content, params={ :cmd => "sed s/foo/bar/" }) Open3.popen3(params[:cmd]) do |stdin, stdout, stderr| stdin.write(content) stdin.close() end end end