+++ date = "2010-06-06" title = "Firefly 0.4.3 and Firefly Client 0.4.0 released" tags = ["Ruby", "gems", "urls", "firefly", "shortener"] slug = "firefly-043-and-firefly-client-040-released" +++ Today version 0.4.3 of Firefly was released with some minor updates. To complete the package, a new gem [firefly-client][1] has been released. The client library allows your Ruby application to easily shorten URLs with a remote Firefly server. It's very easy to use and lightweight. [1]: http://github.com/ariejan/firefly-client ~ *Firefly 0.4.3 Changelog* * Handle invalid API keys correctly. * Added a fix for MySQL users to update the `code` column to use the correct collation. Fixes [issue #9][2] [2]: github.com/ariejan/firefly/issues/9 *Firefly Client* Using the Firefly Client is very easy, read the following snippet from the [README][3]: require 'rubygems' require 'firefly-client' firefly = Firefly::Client.new("http://aj.gs", "my_api_key") firefly.shorten("http://google.com") => "http://aj.gs/8ds" Nice, huh? Get more info over at [github][1] [3]: http://github.com/ariejan/firefly-client#readme