--- title: blog --- .row .col-sm-12 %h3 Recent blog entries #posts - sorted_articles[0..2].each do |article| .post %h2.title= link_to article[:title], article.path, title: article[:title] %p.meta= get_pretty_date(article) %p.summary= article[:summary] .row .col-sm-6.col-sm-push-6 #about %h3 About me :markdown ![Ariejan](https://0.gravatar.com/avatar/a9bfdd0cc75c857b669c37548b8bfdf9?s=192) Hi! I'm Ariejan de Vroom, a thirty-three year old Ruby on Rails developer and Software Craftsman. I live in [Breugel, the Netherlands][1] with my wife [Laura][2] and work full-time at [Kabisa][3]. I am available for consulting, talks and training. ### Find out more about me Check me out on [Twitter][4], [Github][6] or [LinkedIn][5] to get to know me a bit better. ### Get in touch If you want to contact me, [tweet something][4] or [send me an email][8]. [1]: http://maps.google.nl/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=nl&geocode=&q=eindhoven&sll=52.469397,5.509644&sspn=4.692139,10.942383&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Breugel,+Noord-Brabant&ll=51.440313,5.482178&spn=4.800964,10.942383&t=h&z=7 [2]: http://laura-oerlemans.net/ [3]: http://kabisa.nl/ [4]: http://twitter.com/ariejan [5]: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ariejan [6]: https://github.com/ariejan [8]: mailto:ariejan@ariejan.net .col-sm-6.col-sm-pull-6 %h3 Older posts #older-posts - sorted_articles[3..-1].each do |article| .post %h2.title %a{href: article.path, title: article[:title]} %span.meta= get_short_date(article) = article[:title]