+++ type = "page" title = "Talks and Workshops" +++ **I'm available for talks and workshops! [Get in touch!][1]** ## Gnu Privacy Guard and You This talk highlights why GPG is more relevant than ever in a modern age where government spying is the norm and no one on the internet can be trusted. We also take a dive in to how the RSA public key algorithm works at its core and how you can get started with GPG *today*. This talk contains (for some audiences complex) math, I've also made a [MathSanitized™ version](https://speakerdeck.com/ariejan/gnu-privacy-guard-and-you-math-sanitized-version). ## Objective-C Awesomesuace Ruby and Objective-C seem like programming languages from two different worlds. When you take a closer look at them, you will start to see similarities. As a Ruby developer, I want to highlight these similarities in this talks and learn from what Objective-C does differently from Ruby. ## Software Craftsmanship A talk I did for about 200 Unit4 developers on june 6th about software craftsmanship and how we do that at Kabisa. ## Introducting Gitlab Gitlab is an awesome git-repo-tool-project-manager-web-ui-thingy you should know about. [1]: /contact