+++ date = "2010-04-14" title = "A new day, a new Firefly" tags = [] slug = "a-new-day-a-new-firefly" +++ Get ready for 0.4 (or, to be exact)! This release has some interesting new features. Read more to find out, I've included a screen shot for your pleasure. * Twitter integration * Easier copying of short URLs * Highlight the last shortened URL * Several fixes, see [HISTORY][1] for details Coming from Digg? Check out the source and `README` at [http://github.com/ariejan/firefly][2] _The release fixes file permissions for the `twitter.png` image so your server can read it properly._ [1]: http://github.com/ariejan/firefly/blob/v0.4.0.1/HISTORY [2]: http://github.com/ariejan/firefly ~ [![aj.gs Screen shot][3]][4] [3]: http://ariejan.net/images/aj.gs-sample.jpg "aj.gs Screen shot" [4]: http://ariejan.net/images/aj.gs-sample-full.jpg