+++ date = "2007-09-24" title = "Whooop - here it is! The new Ariejan.net!" tags = ["General", "Blog"] slug = "whooop-here-it-is-the-new-ariejannet" description = "Redesign and all that!" +++ Wow! Here it is then! The fully restyled, revamped and repimped Ariejan.net! (I hope you like it). So, "what's changed?", you may ask. My goal is to publish a bit more on the advanced Rails topics I encounter these days at work. Also, I'm still working on my Subversion Kickstart e-book, which will be published before the end of this year. (Thanks to Josh Blair for pointing out I was still working on it.) If you have any Rails related questions (especially if you live in Europe) please let me know. We at Kabisa are always happy to free up some of our time to help you out. Thanks for reading! Please grab my RSS Feed to stay up to date auotma