--- title: "Your Mac slow? Disable Spotlight in Snow Leopard" kind: article slug: your-mac-slow-disable-spotlight-in-snow-leopard created_at: 2011-06-27 tags: - MacOSX - spotlight - diskio --- For some time now I've experience my mac to be very slow. Opening Vim would take minutes. Creating a new Tab in iTerm would take more than 20 seconds. What the hell is going on - this is a brand new MacBook Pro! ~ After investigating, using _Activity Monitor_ I discovered the following: * CPU's idling at 3-5% usage * +500M free RAM * +200G free disk space * Negligible amount of network traffic * Very high amount of disk I/O writes (> 450w/s) ### What's causing disk I/O? So, something is using my disk. But what? The solution is to use the `iotop` utility: sudo iotop -C 5 12 A common entry here is the `mds` procoess, which has an insane amount of `BYTES`. So, this `mds` process is causing a lot of I/O, causing things to get slow. ### What's the `mds` process do? A quick Google search reveals that the `mds` process is actually the Spotlight indexer service. ### Disable Spotlight I don't use Spotlight at all, so let's disable it - preventing the disk I/O. sudo mdutil -a -i off That's all. Spotlight indexing disabled. After a few seconds the disk I/O dropped from ± 450w/s to 0w/s. Vim starts ups again within a seconds. I'm happy. ### Enabling Spotlight If, for some obscure reason, you want to re-enable Spotlight, use the following command: sudo mdutil -a -i on