--- title: Projects --- .headline %h2 Ariejan's Projects .content_wrap.nobg %section#middle_content :markdown ## Focal Focal is a utility web application that creates sexy and informative burndowns for you and your team. Hooked up to the Pivotal Tracker API, Focal will gather information about the current iteration on a daily basis and provide you and the team with valuable progress information. _Focal is developed by Kabisa._ * [Github](https://github.com/kabisaict/focal) ## IMDB The IMDB gem allows you to programatically access IMDB. Although IMDB does not officially expose an API you are able to look at what's on their public pages. * [Github](https://github.com/ariejan/imdb) ## Firefly At the height of 140 character limited tweets, URL shortners where the hippest thing around. Firefly provides you with a personal url shortner. It can be easily deployed to Heroku and it has proven to be able to handle millions of shortened URLs. * [Website](http://fireflyrb.com) * [Github](https://github.com/ariejan/firefly) ## PostcodeAPI A simple ruby wrapper around the [Postcode API service](http://www.postcodeapi.nu/). * [Github](https://github.com/ariejan/postcodeapi) ## elfproef The 11-check is a checksum algorithm used to validate Dutch bank account numbers and social security numbers. This gem allows you to add validations to your Rails models for these kind of fields. * [Github](https://github.com/sytzeloor/elfproef)