+++ date = "2006-12-13" title = "Show the current SVN revision in your Rails app" tags = ["General", "Everything", "RubyOnRails", "Features", "Subversion", "Capistrano"] slug = "show-the-current-svn-revision-in-your-rails-app" description = "This will show you how to publish the currently deployed Subversion revision in your Rails app" +++ I'm current developing a Rails application. I deploy this application to a demonstration server using capistrano. To streamline feedback and bug reporting I want to show the current revision number of the code that's published on the demo server to show in the footer of every page. First I looked into Subversion keyword expansion, but this is marked as 'evil' and it doesn't meet my requirements. I want to show the latest revision number of the entire repository and not just that of the current file. Luckily for me, I use capistrano. Here's how I fixed the problem. First of all, I created a partial that contains the revision number and render this in my layout. app/views/layouts/_revision.rhtml: ```bash CURRENT ``` This shows CURRENT always when I work with my working copy. app/views/layouts/mylayout.rhtml ```ruby < %= render :partial => 'layout/revision' %> ``` Now, I assume you have already setup capistrano for your project and that you have a config/deploy.rb file. I've added the following helper to my config/deploy.rb file: ```ruby desc "Write current revision to app/layouts/_revision.rhtml" task :publish_revision do run "svn info #{release_path} | grep ^Revision > #{release_path}/app/views/layouts/_revision.rhtml" end ``` Next, I added the following hook 'after_update_code'. This will automatically be run after update_code which is called in 'deploy'. ```ruby desc "Run this after update_code" task :after_update_code do publish_revision end ``` That's it. When I deploy the application, the current code is checked out and and the layouts/_revision.rhtml file is overwritten with the current revision information.


You could also leave the layouts/_revision.rhtml files empty and update it for your demonstration server, but not for your production box. This way there won't be a revision added. Of course, you could also create a deploy_demonstration method in deploy.rb and call publish_revision manually from there.