Correct syntax highlighting etc.

This commit is contained in:
Ariejan de Vroom 2013-03-24 16:10:43 +01:00
parent dbae98c4c0
commit 25235b4f42
10 changed files with 211 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ gem 'nanoc'
gem 'haml' gem 'haml'
gem 'kramdown' gem 'kramdown'
gem 'coderay' gem 'pygments.rb'
gem 'sass' gem 'sass'
gem 'compass' gem 'compass'
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ gem 'compass'
gem 'typogruby' gem 'typogruby'
gem 'nanoc-cachebuster' gem 'nanoc-cachebuster'
gem 'nanoc-javascript-concatenator' gem 'nanoc-javascript-concatenator'
gem 'nanoc-code-classifier'
gem 'uglifier' gem 'uglifier'
gem 'multi_json', '~> 1.3' # needed by uglifier gem 'multi_json', '~> 1.3' # needed by uglifier

View File

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ GEM
adsf (1.1.1) adsf (1.1.1)
rack (>= 1.0.0) rack (>= 1.0.0)
chunky_png (1.2.7) chunky_png (1.2.7)
coderay (1.0.9)
colored (1.2) colored (1.2)
compass (0.12.2) compass (0.12.2)
chunky_png (~> 1.2) chunky_png (~> 1.2)
@ -26,9 +25,16 @@ GEM
cri (~> 2.3) cri (~> 2.3)
nanoc-cachebuster (0.3.1) nanoc-cachebuster (0.3.1)
nanoc (>= 3.3.0) nanoc (>= 3.3.0)
nanoc-code-classifier (0.1.0)
nanoc (~> 3.0)
nokogiri (~> 1.0)
nanoc-javascript-concatenator (0.0.2) nanoc-javascript-concatenator (0.0.2)
nanoc (>= 3.3.0) nanoc (>= 3.3.0)
nokogiri (1.5.9) nokogiri (1.5.9)
posix-spawn (0.3.6)
pygments.rb (0.4.2)
posix-spawn (~> 0.3.6)
yajl-ruby (~> 1.1.0)
rack (1.5.2) rack (1.5.2)
rake (10.0.3) rake (10.0.3)
rubypants (0.2.0) rubypants (0.2.0)
@ -43,13 +49,13 @@ GEM
w3c_validators (1.2) w3c_validators (1.2)
json json
nokogiri nokogiri
yajl-ruby (1.1.0)
ruby ruby
adsf adsf
compass compass
haml haml
i18n i18n
@ -58,8 +64,10 @@ DEPENDENCIES
multi_json (~> 1.3) multi_json (~> 1.3)
nanoc nanoc
nanoc-cachebuster nanoc-cachebuster
nanoc-javascript-concatenator nanoc-javascript-concatenator
nokogiri nokogiri
rack rack
rake rake
sass sass

9 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
This repository contains all the files and data necessary to generate
## Prerequisites
* `sudo easy_install Pygments`
* `bundle install`
* `nanoc compile`

View File

@ -23,10 +23,12 @@ compile '/js/*/' do
end end
compile '/posts/*' do compile '/posts/*' do
filter :kramdown, auto_ids: false, coderay_line_numbers: nil, coderay_tab_width: 2 filter :kramdown
filter :pygmentizer
filter :typogruby filter :typogruby
layout 'post' layout 'post'
layout 'default' layout 'default'
filter :cache_buster filter :cache_buster
end end
@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ compile '*' do
filter :erb filter :erb
filter :kramdown filter :kramdown
when 'haml' when 'haml'
filter :haml, format: :html5 filter :haml, format: :html5, ugly: true
else else
filter :erb filter :erb
end end
@ -84,4 +86,4 @@ route '*' do
end end
end end
layout '*', :haml, :format => :html5 layout '*', :haml, :format => :html5, ugly: true

View File

@ -1,3 +1,51 @@
body { body {
font: 14px/20px "Open Sans", Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", sans-serif; font: 14px/20px "Open Sans", Helvetica, "Nimbus Sans L", sans-serif;
pre, .plaincode{
background: none;
border: none;
border-radius: none;
font-size: 12px;
overflow: visible;
padding: 6px 6px;
margin: 0 0 11px 0;
word-break: normal;
word-wrap: normal;
white-space: pre;
display: block;
.plaincode {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
.code {
overflow: auto;
margin: 0 0 11px 0;
table {
width: 100%;
.linenodiv {
background-color: #f4f4f4;
color: #AAA;
padding: 0 0.5em;
border-right: 1px solid #DDD;
text-align: right;
td.code {
width: 100%;
.highlight {
background-color: #f9f9f9;
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
.hll { background-color: #ffffcc }
.c { color: #999988; font-style: italic } /* Comment */
.err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */
.k { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */
.o { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Operator */
.cm { color: #999988; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Multiline */
.cp { color: #999999; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Preproc */
.c1 { color: #999988; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Single */
.cs { color: #999999; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } /* Comment.Special */
.gd { color: #000000; background-color: #ffdddd } /* Generic.Deleted */
.ge { color: #000000; font-style: italic } /* Generic.Emph */
.gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */
.gh { color: #999999 } /* Generic.Heading */
.gi { color: #000000; background-color: #ddffdd } /* Generic.Inserted */
.go { color: #888888 } /* Generic.Output */
.gp { color: #555555 } /* Generic.Prompt */
.gs { font-weight: bold } /* Generic.Strong */
.gu { color: #aaaaaa } /* Generic.Subheading */
.gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */
.kc { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */
.kd { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */
.kn { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */
.kp { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Pseudo */
.kr { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */
.kt { color: #445588; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */
.m { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number */
.s { color: #d01040 } /* Literal.String */
.na { color: #008080 } /* Name.Attribute */
.nb { color: #0086B3 } /* Name.Builtin */
.nc { color: #445588; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */
.no { color: #008080 } /* Name.Constant */
.nd { color: #3c5d5d; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Decorator */
.ni { color: #800080 } /* Name.Entity */
.ne { color: #990000; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */
.nf { color: #990000; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */
.nl { color: #990000; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Label */
.nn { color: #555555 } /* Name.Namespace */
.nt { color: #000080 } /* Name.Tag */
.nv { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable */
.ow { color: #000000; font-weight: bold } /* Operator.Word */
.w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */
.mf { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Float */
.mh { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Hex */
.mi { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Integer */
.mo { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Oct */
.sb { color: #d01040 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */
.sc { color: #d01040 } /* Literal.String.Char */
.sd { color: #d01040 } /* Literal.String.Doc */
.s2 { color: #d01040 } /* Literal.String.Double */
.se { color: #d01040 } /* Literal.String.Escape */
.sh { color: #d01040 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */
.si { color: #d01040 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
.sx { color: #d01040 } /* Literal.String.Other */
.sr { color: #009926 } /* Literal.String.Regex */
.s1 { color: #d01040 } /* Literal.String.Single */
.ss { color: #990073 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */
.bp { color: #999999 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.vc { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.vg { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.vi { color: #008080 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.il { color: #009999 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */

View File

@ -1091,18 +1091,6 @@ code {
border: 1px solid #e1e1e8; border: 1px solid #e1e1e8;
} }
pre > code {
border-top:3px solid #565656;
color: #444;
padding:19px 20px 18px;
-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 0 #ffffff inset;
-moz-box-shadow:0 1px 0 #ffffff inset;
box-shadow:0 1px 0 #ffffff inset;
.cmsms_plus { .cmsms_plus {
background:#555555; background:#555555;
display:block; display:block;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@import "willbridge"; @import "willbridge";
@import "fonts"; @import "fonts";
@import "jquery_prettyphoto"; @import "jquery_prettyphoto";
@import "pygments";
@import "main"; @import "main";

content/projects.haml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
title: Projects
%h2 Ariejan's Projects
# Focal
Focal is a utility web application that creates sexy and informative burndowns
for you and your team.
Hooked up to the Pivotal Tracker API, Focal will gather information about the
current iteration on a daily basis and provide you and the team with valuable
progress information.
_Focal is developed by Kabisa._
* [Github](
# Firefly
At the height of 140 character limited tweets, URL shortners where the hippest
thing around.
Firefly provides you with a personal url shortner. It can be easily deployed to
Heroku and it has proven to be able to handle millions of shortened URLs.
* [Website](
* [Github](

lib/pygmentizer_filter.rb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
module Nanoc
class PygmentizerFilter < Nanoc::Filter
identifier :pygmentizer
type :text
def run(content, params = {})
doc = Nokogiri::HTML::fragment(content, 'UTF-8')
nodes ="pre>code")
nodes.each do |node|
code = node.inner_html || "[++where is the code?++]"
def pygmentize(string, pattern = /\A:::(\w+)\s*(\n|&#x000A;)/i)
refs = pattern.match(string) # extract language name
if refs # found a language identifier!
lang = refs[1]
str = unescape_html(string.sub(pattern, ""))
code = ::Pygments.highlight(str, options: {
encoding: 'utf-8',
linenos: 'table',
lexer: lexers.include?(lang) ? lang : nil
"<div class='code'>#{code}</div>"
else # No language identifer,
"<pre class='plaincode'>#{string}</pre>"
def lexers
@lexers ||= { |lex| lex[1][:aliases] }.flatten
def unescape_html(string)
string.to_s.gsub(/&#x000A;/i, "\n").gsub("&lt;", '<').gsub("&gt;", '>').gsub("&amp;", '&')
end end