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2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00
date = "2011-09-19"
title = "Capistrano and the custom maintenance page"
tags = ["Capistrano", "Rails", "git", "migrations", "deployment", "maintenance"]
slug = "capistrano-and-the-custom-maintenance-page"
2015-03-26 11:28:08 +00:00
Randuin posted a comment on my previous [_Lighting fast, zero-downtime deployments with git, capistrano, nginx and Unicorn_][1] post asking how I handle database migrations. This is a good question.
Database migrations, especially with large datasets, take a long time to run. They also lock your database tables which may cause all kinds of trouble.
There's a quite an easy solution for this, offered to us by Capistrano. Unfortunately it will cause downtime for your site while the migration is running.
## Setup nginx
The first thing you should do it update your Nginx configuration in `/etc/nginx/sites-available/default` and add the following snippet, just before the `location /`:
2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00
``` nginx
if (-f $document_root/system/maintenance.html) {
return 503;
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error_page 503 @maintenance;
location @maintenance {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /system/maintenance.html last;
2015-03-26 11:28:08 +00:00
As [iGEL][3] and [Anlek Consulting][4] pointed out in the comments, it's good practice to send a _503 Service Temporarily Unavailable_ HTTP code back to the client. A normal user won't notice the difference, but spiders do. Sending the 503 code will tell search engines, like Google, that your site is not available and that they should not re-index your maintenance message as the new site content. Instead, they'll come back later when your site returns a _HTTP 200_ code again.
You can try this fairly easily by putting your site in maintenance mode (per the instructions that follow) and do a HEAD request:
2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00
``` shell
$ curl -I
HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
Server: nginx/0.8.54
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 18:22:35 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 1276
Connection: keep-alive
2015-03-26 11:28:08 +00:00
## Use Capistrano
Now, you can run (from your own machine):
2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00
``` shell
cap deploy:web:disable
2015-03-26 11:28:08 +00:00
This task will upload a generic placeholder and place it in `public/system/maintenance.html`. If nginx sees this file exists, it will render it and abort further processing. So, as long as the maintenance.html file is present, your app is not accessible.
When you're migrations are done, you can run:
2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00
``` shell
cap deploy:web:enable
2015-03-26 11:28:08 +00:00
This will have remove the `maintenance.html` file, and thus making your app accessible again.
## Piecing it all together
What you probably want is a separate task to deploy new code *and* run migrations. Here's the task I used:
2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00
``` ruby
namespace :deploy do
desc "Deploy and migrate the database - this will cause downtime during migrations"
task :migrations do
transaction do
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2015-03-26 11:28:08 +00:00
## Customize your maintenance page
Of course you want to customize the maintenance page, because, frankly, it's kind of ugly by default. This does require you write your own `deploy:web:disable` task:
2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00
``` ruby
namespace :deploy do
namespace :web do
task :disable, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do
require 'erb'
on_rollback { run "rm #{shared_path}/system/maintenance.html" }
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2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00
reason = ENV['REASON']
deadline = ENV['UNTIL']
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2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00
template ="./app/views/layouts/maintenance.html.erb")
result =
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2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00
put result, "#{shared_path}/system/maintenance.html", :mode => 0644
2015-03-26 11:28:08 +00:00
2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00
2015-03-26 11:28:08 +00:00
Now you can create a maintenance page for your app at `app/views/layouts/maintentance.html.erb`. See [the original maintenance template][2] for inspiration.
Note that you can use the environment variables `REASON` and `UNTIL` to give some info about why the app is down.
_Keep in mind that when you put up the `maintenance.html` none of your files is accessible. This includes stylesheets and js files. Make sure to host any images and other assets on a remote server like Amazon S3._
2017-03-20 15:35:19 +00:00