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2013-03-22 21:03:45 +00:00
# A list of file extensions that nanoc will consider to be textual rather than
# binary. If an item with an extension not in this list is found, the file
# will be considered as binary.
text_extensions: [ 'coffee', 'css', 'erb', 'haml', 'handlebars', 'hb', 'htm', 'html', 'js', 'less', 'markdown', 'md', 'ms', 'mustache', 'php', 'rb', 'sass', 'scss', 'txt', 'xhtml', 'xml' ]
# The path to the directory where all generated files will be written to. This
# can be an absolute path starting with a slash, but it can also be path
# relative to the site directory.
output_dir: output
# A list of index filenames, i.e. names of files that will be served by a web
# server when a directory is requested. Usually, index files are named
# “index.html”, but depending on the web server, this may be something else,
# such as “default.htm”. This list is used by nanoc to generate pretty URLs.
index_filenames: [ 'index.html' ]
# Whether or not to generate a diff of the compiled content when compiling a
# site. The diff will contain the differences between the compiled content
# before and after the last site compilation.
enable_output_diff: false
title: ''
author_name: 'Ariejan de Vroom'
author_uri: ''
# Configure the robots.txt file for this site.
# Setting 'default' to true-ish will use sensible defaults. If you
# wish to customize it, you can list paths to allow and to disallow.
# Finally, you could manually set the path to the sitemap file.
# You can customize the robots file fairly well like this, but you
# can always manually create a content file with the exact contents
# you need.
default: true # disallow assets, allow assets/images and point at sitemap
# disallow:
# - '/tag'
# - '/newsletter'
# allow:
# - '/tag/foo'
# sitemap: '/site-map.txt'
# Set up authentication files for various webmaster tools (or something
# similar). This simply creates a plain text file when generating the site.
# identifier: identifier of the output file, e.g. '/google12345/'
# content: content of the file, e.g. 'aoa8202ns001'
# extension: extension of the output file, e.g. 'html' or 'xml'
# Should Nanoc generate some standard asset files for you, or skip them
# completely?
# This currently controls the generation of robots.txt, sitemap.xml,
# sitemap.xml.gz and webmaster tools authentication files.
output_generated_assets: true
2013-03-22 21:03:45 +00:00
# Whether to automatically remove files not managed by nanoc from the output
# directory. For safety reasons, this is turned off by default.
auto_prune: true
# Which files and directories you want to exclude from pruning. If you version
# your output directory, you should probably exclude VCS directories such as
# .git, .svn etc.
exclude: [ '.git', '.hg', '.svn', 'CVS' ]
# The data sources where nanoc loads its data from. This is an array of
# hashes; each array element represents a single data source. By default,
# there is only a single data source that reads data from the “content/” and
# “layout/” directories in the site directory.
# The type is the identifier of the data source. By default, this will be
# `filesystem_unified`.
type: filesystem_unified
# The path where items should be mounted (comparable to mount points in
# Unix-like systems). This is “/” by default, meaning that items will have
# “/” prefixed to their identifiers. If the items root were “/en/”
# instead, an item at content/about.html would have an identifier of
# “/en/about/” instead of just “/about/”.
items_root: /
# The path where layouts should be mounted. The layouts root behaves the
# same as the items root, but applies to layouts rather than items.
layouts_root: /
# Whether to allow periods in identifiers. When turned off, everything
# past the first period is considered to be the extension, and when
# turned on, only the characters past the last period are considered to
# be the extension. For example, a file named “content/about.html.erb”
# will have the identifier “/about/” when turned off, but when turned on
# it will become “/about.html/” instead.
allow_periods_in_identifiers: false
# Configuration for the “watch” command, which watches a site for changes and
# recompiles if necessary.
# A list of directories to watch for changes. When editing this, make sure
# that the “output/” and “tmp/” directories are _not_ included in this list,
# because recompiling the site will cause these directories to change, which
# will cause the site to be recompiled, which will cause these directories
# to change, which will cause the site to be recompiled again, and so on.
dirs_to_watch: [ 'content', 'layouts', 'lib' ]
# A list of single files to watch for changes. As mentioned above, dont put
# any files from the “output/” or “tmp/” directories in here.
files_to_watch: [ 'nanoc.yaml', 'Rules' ]
# When to send notifications (using Growl or notify-send).
notify_on_compilation_success: true
notify_on_compilation_failure: true
2013-03-25 09:43:24 +00:00
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