--- - name: Set dock tilesize community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.dock key: tilesize type: float value: 36.0 state: present - name: Set dock orientation community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.dock key: orientation type: string value: left state: present - name: Disable recents in dock community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.dock key: show-recents type: bool value: false state: present - name: Remove all apps from dock community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.dock key: persistent-apps type: array value: [] state: present - name: Dock apps community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.dock key: persistent-apps type: array array_add: true value: ['tile-datafile-data_CFURLString{{ item }}_CFURLStringType0'] state: present with_items: "{{ macos.dock_apps }}" - name: Show all Extensions community.general.osx_defaults: domain: NSGlobalDomain key: AppleShowAllExtensions type: bool value: true state: present - name: Show all files community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.finder key: AppleShowAllFiles type: bool value: true state: present - name: Show path in finder bar community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.finder key: ShowPathbar type: bool value: true state: present - name: Set preferred view style to list view ("Nlsv") community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.finder key: FXPreferredViewStyle type: string value: Nlsv state: present - name: Sort folders first community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.finder key: _FXSortFoldersFirst type: bool value: true state: present - name: Disable extension change warning community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.finder key: FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning type: bool value: false state: present - name: Set default Finder location to home folder community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.finder key: NewWindowTarget type: string value: PfHm state: present - name: Flash date separators community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.menuextra.clock key: FlashDateSeparators type: bool value: true state: present - name: Set clock to 24-hour format community.general.osx_defaults: domain: com.apple.menuextra.clock key: DateFormat type: string value: H:mm state: present - name: Restart Dock ansible.builtin.shell: killall Dock changed_when: false - name: Restart SystemUIServer ansible.builtin.shell: killall SystemUIServer changed_when: false - name: Set Firefox as default browser ansible.builtin.shell: defaultbrowser firefox